Venus arrives home to Libra, a sign where Venus teaches us the necessity of diplomacy and connection. With the South Node in Libra and a solar eclipse only a month away, Venus in Libra also heralds a change on the horizon, especially in a relationship.

Yes, we’re coming up on our next set of eclipses. Every six months we have a solar and lunar eclipse, like clockwork. (Sometimes there are three eclipses in a series, though not this year.) Eclipses are the doors of fate, moving people and events in and out of our lives.

What’s curious about eclipses is that we can see the event or change before the eclipse, whether during natural periods of transition such as three months before or after an eclipse, like July 2024 for example, or when a planet activates the degree of an eclipse.

Venus will reach the degree of the October 2 eclipse, 10 degrees, on September 6-7. So it’s for us to keep an eye on early September for transition points, doorways, and events that put a spotlight on relationship and connection as well as a need to release relationship patterns that are no longer serving us.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for August 30, 2024.

Read More:

Newsletter — The Astrology of August 26-September 1, 2024

Video — The Astrology of August 26-September 1, 2024

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Photo by Jelezniac Bianca on Unsplash