The Moon’s in Virgo and we likely have a busy day ahead of us, one with errands to do and places to go. It’s a perfect day for knocking out items from our to-do list or getting things cleaned up. With Mercury in Leo, invest in what creates joy.

Speaking of Leo, while it’s not quite Leo Season, we have the aforementioned Mercury in Leo and, starting July 11, Venus will be in Leo, too. Keep an eye on Leo and the events of late July and into August. That’s because later this year, starting November 3, Mars will enter Leo and won’t leave until June 17, 2025, turning retrograde from December 6, 2024 to February 23, 2025. (Mars will actually dip in and out of Leo and Cancer during the retrograde.)

What is Leo? Apart from being the fifth sign of the zodiac, it’s a fire sign. Element fire is the spark of life and animation. (In astrology, there are four elements: fire, earth, air, water.) Ruled by the Sun, the fire of Leo is the fire of passion, joy, identity, self expression, and creativity. The Sun helps us to shine. It gives us life and vitality.

So, with a Mars Retrograde in Leo down the road, in a few months time, we may be navigating collective and personal themes around creativity, identity, etc. And Leo, depending on our personal astrology, may be a key sign. It may be a sign of career (Taurus) or relationship (Aquarius), for example. (Read Mars in Leo: Sign by Sign for a refresher.)

Mars Retrograde is typically a time when we have to review our actions, become aware of our relationship with desire, motivation, and self direction. We have to listen to our gut more. We can’t be rash or impulsive.

Yes, we’ve got a bit to go before Mars is in Leo and Mars Retrograde, but the seeds are being planted now and into the next few weeks.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for July 10, 2024.

Read More:

Mars in Leo: Sign by Sign

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Video — The Astrology of July 8-14, 2024

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