Welcome to the Gemini New Moon. It’s the time in the lunar calendar when we focus our attention to writing and speaking, information and ideas. Gemini is the sign of discovery. It motivates us to learn. The new moon is exact on June 6, 2024 at 16 degrees. That’s 5:38 am Los Angeles, 1:38 pm London, 2:38 pm Johannesburg, 6:08 pm New Delhi, 10:38 pm Sydney, 12:38 am Auckland on June 7.

New moons are new beginnings. They bring in the energy of renewal. They create a new stage for us to experience life over the following four weeks, depending on the archetypes of the sign it falls in. They can mark new chapters for us and, depending on the planets involved, usher in notable new beginnings.

Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac. In terms of its development, compared to the later zodiac signs, it’s a very “young” sign. In Gemini we learn to crawl. We try new things. There can be a naive curiosity. A movement that can feel buzzy and even a little ungrounded. It takes the physical resources of Taurus, the previous sign, and shares them.

Sometimes we need Gemini’s youthful joie de vivre. Especially if we’ve been feeling heavy burdens or stagnant energy. As a result, we have an opportunity to refresh, to tap into its natural movements and rhythms over the next four weeks. Our minds need a refresh, too. We have books to read, classes to take, and new roads to travel. A short trip may give us the reset that we need.

There are five planets in Gemini as of this new moon. The Sun and Moon, of course, not to mention Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter. That’s a lot of planets in Gemini. It means that it’s the sign that holds a lot of the power this month. As the saying goes, we’re spoiled for choice.

Then there’s Saturn.

If Gemini is the choices of life, then Saturn is the wisdom to make the right choice. It’s a planet that demands integrity, maturity and accountability. It’s also square the Sun and Moon and it’s not too far of a stretch to see it squaring Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter, too. As a result, we have to really step up and put things in order in the coming days. We have to find balance and moderation. Saturn can also coincide with major milestones and achievements. (Events may be connected to the Sun-Saturn conjunction of February 28, 2024.)

That said, things want to take shape and take form this month. Gemini can feel like the ingredients in a recipe. Saturn is the time and structure the recipe takes for something to become real in our lives.

Read More:

Jupiter in Gemini: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

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