If there was a Weather Channel for astrology, it’s easy to imagine what the forecast would be — dark and stormy. The rumbles of thunder began back in early 2008 when Pluto entered the sign of Capricorn and we all know how that year shaped up. But now Saturn is in the sign of Libra making a discordant clash to Pluto and the ground is literally shifting beneath our feet. Earthquakes in Haiti and Chile are only one manifestation of potent energy at work, but can we harness this on the personal level for some life changing, empowering transformation? Absolutely.

One of the key concepts behind the Saturn-Pluto square unfolding this year is power struggles. Let’s look at our own lives. Where are the battlefields? Is there anything we’re at war with? Where are we ceding our personal power?

It’s so important to identify where we giving over control of our lives and to whom. This not only takes a toll on our relationships by fostering a psychologically unhealthy power balance, but it has a physical effect on our bodies as unexpressed resentment builds in the body, depletes our vitality, and makes us sick.

During the Saturn-Pluto square, let’s harness this energy for soul change and to create the intention towards restoring balance in our relationships (Saturn in Libra) by not giving away our personal power. The things we can do during 2010 are:

  • clearing out relationships that have outlived their usefulness or do not serve our highest need
  • boost the third chakra — the solar plexus and our power center — by bringing more yellow into our lives (yellow clothing, objects, jewelry)
  • loving ourselves more

This last bit is the most important.  For when we love ourselves more, we have more self worth, and if we have more self worth, we no longer put ourselves in the situations where we give away our power because we think we’re not worthy. That, in its essence, is the real lesson of Saturn in Libra.