This is a transcription of the following video for Cancer in January 2021.


June 21–July 22

Cancer Glyph

No month is an individual, standalone month. Astrology’s connected to other months, connected to a bigger story that’s been unfolding bigger cycles of time. So we have to look at January in the context of something bigger. This January is an opening to a new chapter that at one level is something new and on another level is not something new because it brings forward a story that’s been brewing for the past three years, since 2018.

As we go into the new year, Cancer, good job — you made it. It’s possibly been a tough few years for you. Saturn has left your relationship sign; it’s no longer in Capricorn. You had to do a lot of heavy lifting the past few years, working on connection: your romantic connection, relationships, non-romantic connection. No person is an island and that was sort of the bigger story the past couple of years. You need other people, Cancer. Your sign in general wants other people. You want to take care of people; you want to nurture people. That said, it’s Capricorn season this month for the most part, so January might feel a little familiar in terms of its themes—themes around relationship that you have been deeply working on the past couple of years.

But Saturn is not in Capricorn anymore, so it’s like one of the big hands on your clock now points towards something very different. I’m going to call it the bathroom. Imagine you have a house and that house has 12 rooms. There’s this one room, the eighth room, that is a necessary room but it’s not an easy room. It’s a very psychological room. You go in that room and you have to face yourself. And that’s where Saturn is, that’s where Saturn is as of December 17th of 2020 and it will be there for two more years. Wherever Saturn is, there’s a lot of emphasis and focus, which means as you go into the new year you’ve got to face yourself. Maybe there’s things that you have been putting off for a long time that are now front and center. It could be the past that you have not dealt with. It could be some sort of old trauma or some old wounds. This is not, of course, a judgment. We all have stuff that we need to work on and when Saturn goes into this part of the chart, I often suggest getting a therapist or a guide or a counselor. You need somebody to hold your hand a little bit as you do this deep, inner work and inner reflection. So do keep that in mind because, Cancer, your sign feels things very deeply and you may be feeling things very deeply as you go into 2021.

A Capricorn New Moon is going to be on January 13. It’s in your relationship sign, so relationships are going to be a big focus this month again. This new moon is in the same place in the sky as Pluto. Using my house metaphor, imagine there is a new moon that’s happening in this one room called the seventh room, where Pluto is also standing. With Pluto, there is some 13-year story that talks about needing to completely deconstruct—to rebuild, to do the really intense plumbing work—and see what is it about you and relationships? What is in the way? What is the problem? You may say, OK everything is fine, but it’s possible that there’s been some issue with relationships the past decade. It doesn’t have to be romantic relationships; it could be a friend, a boss, a colleague. It’s how you interact with people. How do you use your power? How do you influence people? This new moon is like the next page turn of a much bigger story — a 16-year story in total.

In January, Mars finally gets out of Aries, your career sign — where it’s been since June — and moves into Taurus. Taurus, for you, is about friends; it’s about community. It’s about social networks, social systems, humanity. Uranus has been in this room since May of 2018 (outside of a brief retrograde from November 2018 to March 2019). Maybe a lot of new people are coming into your life. A lot of people that are opening your eyes, helping you to see the world differently, getting you involved in social causes that maybe you weren’t involved in before. And now Mars is there. Mars activates and energizes things, so ideology is going to be a big theme in January for you. This part of your chart can be a little political as well. It’s how do you see the world? What sort of agreements do you think that society should be built on? This part of your chart is about your relationship with society.

Mars, when it goes into Taurus, is going to make a square to Saturn. Traditionally, Mars square Saturn is not a fun aspect. It can really be challenging in many ways and it’s possible that you were seeing some sort of challenge happening between friends or community or groups or something bigger — your ideology of the world — with something deeply emotional. It could be something hidden; it could be a secret; it could be something like a conversation with a friend that’s very intense or dramatic in some way. Saturn has been in your relationship sign Capricorn for years, so there’s deeper themes around vulnerability and opening up and being real and raw and deep in some way.

Uranus turns direct on January 14 at 6 degrees of Taurus. That friendship story gets bigger in a little way. Maybe it’s a little dramatic. Uranus, when it stations, can sometimes be eye-opening, an awakening of some sort. Because Uranus wants something new, it’s probably saying to you that it’s time for new friends. Or it’s time for people that are actually real friends. Or groups or alliances that are very different from the past.

As the Sun leaves Capricorn and goes into Aquarius on January 19, it goes into that part of your chart where Saturn is. From the end of the month, you’re doing a lot of deep, emotional psychological reflection and heavy lifting. It’s maybe even looking at finances as well. If you’ve been putting off dealing with your financial life, you want to look at your books. You want to get organized; you want to look at debt; you want to look at your statements and balances. You want to talk to a financial planner; you want to get a will. I know when I say “will,” people get freaked out — but I don’t know, I’m a Scorpio. You have to plan for the future.

There’s going to be a Leo Full Moon on the 28th of January. This full moon is going to activate a part of your chart that’s about money, income, how you earn it, how you spend it — material stability. It’s putting a lot of stress and pressure on some things in your chart.

You’re not in the same place as some of the other signs; Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius are getting a lot of pressure in January. That said, January for everybody is really pushing us into a new time and a time when we have to make some sort of necessary change. It could be a structural change, a system change, an emotional change. It could be a relationship change. I know that you feel things very deeply and you want things to be on an even keel and stay the same, but that’s unfortunately not the theme this month. Be well, be safe, take care of yourself, get a lot of nurturing, get a lot of grounding. Make sure you have good friends nearby.