Today’s Virgo Moon is a reminder that we’re sliding out of an intense lunar month initiated by a solar eclipse in Virgo and fueled by a lunar eclipse in Pisces. Chances are you experienced a major shift in September or witnessed one in the life of someone close. Eclipse season is like that.

Virgo and Pisces are a polarity that speaks to the pull between the physical world and the spiritual world, our physical health versus our emotional health, and objective reality versus subjective. Over the last four weeks I’ve seen people suffer through a sudden health challenge, make lasting changes to their diet, work through deep emotional or mental health themes, and struggle with a loss. I’ve even heard of a couple of suicides, sadly.

If the last four weeks taught us anything it’s that we have to take care of ourselves body, mind, and soul. And even though we’re nearly done with the lunar month, the solar eclipse opened a bigger six month period focused on health as well as cleaning out anything that is not in support of our health.

Additionally, Mars entered Capricorn yesterday for a six week stay. What will it mean for your sign? Check out the link below. <3

Read More:

Mars in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

New Moon in Virgo: Needs of the Divine

Full Moon in Pisces: The Knot

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