We’re in the last few days of the lunar cycle, a time that pulls us inward for quiet reflection. We sort, we feel, and we release. But with the Scorpio New Moon looming and Mars touching on Uranus, there may be an uneasy sense of tension or a push to strike out in a new direction.

In the meantime the Moon is in Libra today and picks up on a conjunction between Venus and Saturn. I always see Saturn conjunctions as lines in the sand or a moment when we see something in stark clarity. And so the imminent connection between these two planets is a referendum on value as well as relationship.

Over the coming day, Saturn may weigh in on a relationship. Does it have what it takes to go to the next level or stand the test of time? Do you and a partner see eye to eye? Do you share the same beliefs? Or do you need to cut ties? That’s the thing about getting older. Our tastes change. What we attract shifts. Saturn will give us much needed discernment.

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