We’re in the last full day of Libra season, a time when naturally express ourselves through the language partnership and cooperation as well as beauty and charm. Tomorrow the Sun dips into Scorpio, a sign that reminds us that life is fleeting and all things die.

Yes, Scorpio is a stark sign. And it certainly has a well deserved reputation, but of all the twelve signs, one has to have the honor of teaching us about life’s darker themes. Scorpio is the place we go to face our fears, our shadow. It’s gut wrenching feeling of emotional vulnerability and intimacy. It’s sex, power, control, manipulation, obsession. It’s secrets and trust. It’s death and the smell of decay. It’s where our shame resides. But also the place where we are reborn back into the light.

Scorpio is also a sign that got a lot of play from 2012 to 2015 when Saturn paid a long term visit. It think this Scorpio seasons is going to be a good time to check in on what we learned about ourselves, learned about our life during that time. Let’s revisit the risks we took, the people we lost, the healing we had.

In the meantime, the Moon in Cancer today will get us ready for Scorpio season as it hits on our emotions. Cancer as a sign speaks to what we feel and need on a personal level to feel safe and secure. It’s a good day to spend time with those you love and trust, perhaps even indulging in comfort foods. Enjoy!

Read More:

Saturn in Scorpio: Hard Truths

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