Moon moves into Leo, the sign of passion, creativity, and a joie de vivre. Toss in a Scorpio Sun along with Jupiter and Venus, also in Scorpio, and you have a sexy, magical mix of energies. Careful to create and transform instead of destroy with these influences.

Scorpio is a sign that wants more of things. Ruled by Mars, it takes this need to acquire and possess into the realm of emotion. That said, Mars is in Libra this month and so we’re doing a dance between our desires and our relationships. With a magnetic line up of Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio on November 12, Scorpio’s seductive need for more will be overflowing the next few days. Just don’t overdo it.

Read More:

November 2017 Horoscopes

Jupiter in Scorpio: Sign by Sign

Mars in Libra: Sign by Sign

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