We continue with a prickly Aries Moon as we come up to the full moon. It’s all about relationships today and weighing our needs against the needs of others. Can we all get along? It may take a flare up, like a dam releasing, before we do.

Here’s the thing. Mars, the ruler of Aries, is all the way over in Libra, its opposing sign. We’re dealing with a tension of opposites right now, the proverbial he said versus she said, the I versus the you. Mars in Libra demands that we find compromise. And, as the ruler of the Scorpio Sun, we’re in a season where we have to let go of our secrets in order to repair our relationships.

Mars is an agitator and, depending on what sign you are, the planet is agitating a part of your life. Check out my Mars in Libra: Sign by Sign guide to find out where.

Read More:

Mars in Libra: Sign by Sign

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