Today’s Gemini Moon is a happy reminder that Mercury is direct! Not that I’m one to set the alarm about Mercury Retrograde, but it’s nice to know that things may flow a bit more smoothly now that the planet of communication and travel has moved forward.

Mercury pivoted direct right near the end of Sagittarius. Although Sag is a sign that near and dear to my heart, it has a shadow — like all signs have. And with Jupiter angling between Uranus and Pluto, we may be confronted with Sag’s judgemental side, circumstances where we’re faced with hidden information, or where our beliefs are challenged.

Uranus and Pluto, two “outer” planets, serve as agents of consciousness and evolution. They trigger a process of transformation where we have to transmute unconscious into conscious. And so what we’re sorting through this week — Mercury spilling its secrets and Uranus and Pluto pushing us to take a hard look at how we communicate and how we see the world. What needs to shift?

PS — Empowering Astrology turns seven years old today. My baby is a Capricorn Sun conjunct Venus, Moon in Scorpio, Libra rising. Although, a novice astrologer at the time, I started my business during Mercury and Mars Retrograde. C’est la vie!

Read More:

Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

The Last Uranus-Pluto Square

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