Cancer is a sign that speaks to some of life’s most rudimentary experiences. Home. Family. Roots. The Mother. As the first water sign, it’s all about emotional security, connection, and trust. So what happens when a full moon presses on all these themes like a live wire?

Full moons are turning points. We see things for what they really are and have to make a decision. Events can feel loud, charged. And tomorrow’s Cancer Full Moon will activate a powerful square to Uranus and Jupiter, and an opposition to Pluto. Something has to shift.

There’s something old that we’re holding on to. Buried in memory, touch, a lingering scent that takes us back. Maybe it’s something that keeps us from feeling connected, loved, secure. So we have to let it go. If it’s strangling our roots, how will we expect to survive?

In yesterday’s update I mentioned that this was a great time for self care. I’m definitely having to heed my advice as I got really sick yesterday — like trying not to throw up and faint on the subway (which nearly happened). Sometimes, when the psychic energy is too much, we can have a physical reaction as well as a purge. Pluto has been known to vomit up things!

Take care of yourselves under this Cancer Full Moon. Create a new regimen of self care. Fill your life with the things or people who nurture you. Allow yourself to be held. And confront the memories and feelings where you were denied that basic need. Let it go. Cry it out. Barf it out if needed. The Moon opposite Pluto says you can’t hold onto the emotional pain anymore.

More on the Cancer Full Moon tomorrow.

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Astro Daily: January 10, 2017

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