The Moon moves into Aquarius and we’re getting ready for Thursday’s solar eclipse. Like a portal, eclipses rush things in and out of our lives. They mark the hour and tell us that it’s time for a change, perhaps even dramatically so. What do you feel changing?

Eclipses correspond with Big Life, the events that mark the narrative of our time here on this earth, events such as births, deaths, marriages, divorces, moves, new jobs, and career changes. They even have a bit of a reputation for corresponding with unforeseen changes such as a job loss, change in status, change in reputation, or accidents.

I don’t want you to fear eclipses, of course. But do know that every six months we enter a new story; thus is the nature of life. The eclipses set the stage, the characters, and the scene for the coming months. Since this eclipse is happening in Aquarius, we’re seeing changes in Aquarian themes — our sense of connection, community, friendships, and the people we ally with.

What will be changing for you?

Aries and Aries Rising: You are entering a new chapter that will touch on changes in community, friendships, and social connection.

Taurus and Taurus Rising: You are entering a new chapter that will touch on changes in career, responsibilities, title, and the direction you move your life in.

Gemini and Gemini Rising: You are entering a new chapter that will touch on changes in education, travel, faith, and what you consider to be your guiding truth.

Cancer and Cancer Rising: You are entering a new chapter that will touch on changes in finance, assets, intimacy, vulnerability, and facing deep psychological as well as emotional themes.

Leo and Leo Rising: You are entering a new chapter that will touch on changes relationship, how you interact with others, and the people you draw into your life.

Virgo and Virgo Rising: You are entering a new chapter that will touch on changes in work, routine, schedule, health, and how you take care of your body.

Libra and Libra Rising: You are entering a new chapter that will touch on changes in identity, romance, children, and how you express the essence of who you are.

Scorpio and Scorpio Rising: You are entering a new chapter that will touch on changes home, family, where you live, emotional connection, and where you root yourself.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising: You are entering a new chapter that will touch on changes in education, communication, travel, and how you learn and think.

Capricorn and Capricorn Rising: You are entering a new chapter that will touch on changes in income, economic stability, what you own, what you value, and what you spend your money on.

Aquarius and Aquarius Rising: You are entering a new chapter that will touch on changes to the core of who you are, how people see how, how you move forward, and what defines you.

Pisces and Pisces Rising: You are entering a new chapter that will bring you to the end of a story, pull you inward, push you to reflect on existential questions, and stir up deep emotions.

PS — I’m giving a talk in the astrology of 2018 here in Manhattan on March 1. Details here as well as below. Space is limited. Cost is $20 USD.

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Event: The Astrology of 2018

Facebook Invite: The Astrology of 2018

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

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Photo by Gordon Williams on Unsplash