What does it all mean? The Moon rounds out its stay in Sagittarius and we’re in a reflective, philosophical mood. In fact, the Moon isn’t the only planet in Sagittarius. Saturn’s putting the pressure on us as well, pushing us to look both inward and outward for answers.

That’s the function of Sagittarius — to push us to know more, to search for truth in distant lands or different religions. As the ninth sign of the zodiac, it is the first one to really take us beyond ourselves and into something much bigger. Leaving behind the intimacy and even the shadow of Scorpio, Sagittarius is a search for the light while carrying the lamp of faith.

Search for your truth today, but also be open to the truth of others.

Read More:

Saturn in Sagittarius: The Quest Begins

In Defense of Saturn

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Photo by JOHN TOWNER on Unsplash