It’s a week with a lunar eclipse, which is to say it’s a week that pushes the gas pedal. Even though tomorrow’s eclipse is a Pisces Full Moon, a sign that isn’t generally in a hurry, eclipses have a habit of speeding things up. They often bring events and milestones.

To understand tomorrow’s lunar eclipse and the themes that it may be bringing up, we have to understand Pisces and its role in the zodiac.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. It’s not a sign of new beginnings; instead it speaks to conclusions, finality, and return. Through Pisces, we’ve come to the end of a long symbolic journey. We leave the material world when we step into Pisces and explore the spiritual as well as the world beyond this world.

It’s a water sign as well, an element that is about emotion and feeling. But in Pisces, it’s the symbolic cosmic ocean. Pisces is emotions and feeling on a larger scale. It’s empathy and a desire for peace, yet the sometimes overwhelming realization of the sufferings of humanity.

A lunar eclipse, which is a full moon, demands that we look at our relationship with the Pisces energies and archetypes. Do we nourish spirituality in our lives? Do we take time to reflect or search ourselves for deeper meaning and discoveries? Do we have meaning and purpose? Do we have compassion and empathy? These are just a few questions.

Don’t forget that this is the first lunar eclipse in a series of eclipses between Pisces and Virgo that take us into 2026. It’s the start of a larger story that will be with us the next year or so.

More on this week’s astrology in my Facebook Live for September 16-22, 2024 at 6pm ET. You can watch the replay on YouTube and Spotify.

Also I wanted to announce that I will be doing a free presentation on Energetic Sciences on Tuesday, September 24 at 8pm ET, via the Mercia Academy platform. (Recording available for those who register). Energetic Sciences is a framework to understand how energies influence your life as well as practical steps to manage them. In this hour-long presentation, we’ll learn about the Weft, the energetic fabric that connects everyone and everything. We’ll even start to open up to feeling the weft. 

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for September 17, 2024.

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Free Presentation — Energetic Sciences, September 24, 8pm ET

Newsletter — The Astrology of September 16-22, 2024

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Photo by Hatice Baran on Unsplash