The Moon’s in Sagittarius today, a sign that ties together the Virgo Sun, Saturn in Pisces, and Jupiter in Gemini. These four signs help us to learn and discover the world. They help us to make meaning and seek purpose. They inspire existential questions.

For those who know a bit more about the technicalities of astrology, these four signs — Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces — form a “mutable cross”. For those who don’t know these technical terms, it’s very simple. The zodiac has 12 signs and within this wheel, you can draw a square of four signs, all 90 degrees from each other.

There’s the cardinal cross and the four signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. They are the axis of the four seasons as well as the four directions. They initiate change, much like a change of seasons. And life is inherently about the different seasons of life that we go through.

There’s the fixed cross and the four signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. They are the axis of matter and the material world. They help to create stability and security. They also influence the physicality of our lives.

Then there are the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. These four signs are the axis of wisdom and knowledge. They help us to see outside of ourselves, to not only learn and communicate in the most elementary of senses, but to construct a larger framework in which we see the world.

But it’s Pisces, the last mutable sign as well as the last sign of the zodiac, that helps us to find meaning and purpose, to fulfill our spirit, to turn our gaze inward after looking outward.

In the second half of 2024 and into 2025, the mutable signs are in the spotlight. What this means is that collectively and personally we are — true to the spirit of the mutable signs — trying to find meaning and purpose. It is both an outward quest, one supported by curiosity and learning, as well as an inward quest, shaped by seeking the answers to deep personal and spiritual questions.

We’re a week away from a lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17, one that will put us front and center with these personal and spiritual questions.

The thing about personal and spiritual questions is that they are inherently subjective. They cannot be measured or quantified. They are driven by feeling and subtlety as well as our own experiences.

I talked more about Pisces, the mutable signs, and the eclipses in my video for September 9-15, 2024. You can watch the replay on YouTube and Spotify.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for September 11, 2024.

Read More:

Jupiter in Gemini: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Newsletter — The Astrology of September 9-15, 2024

Video — The Astrology of September 9-15, 2024

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