We’re in the days of the lunar month, a time to wrap up projects and initiatives, to look towards the future, and hope and dream for the coming weeks ahead. With a Moon in Libra, it’s also a day to spend with friends and community as well as like minded people.
Mercury is also retrograde as of today, shifting directions at 22 degrees Sagittarius. It’s a review of how we think, listen, and communicate. It’s a retrace of our steps, going all the way back to November 7. It’s also not uncommon for people from the past to resurface or for hidden information to be revealed.
Mercury Retrograde has made its way into pop culture. Of course things can get a little haywire when Mercury turns retrograde. Lines of communication can get crossed. Carefully laid plans can get a curveball. But this is your friendly yet periodic reminder that all planets turn retrograde, except for the Sun and the Moon.
Retrogrades are a yin phase. They are a time to explore the planet’s receptive energies instead of active energies. If Mercury in its active phase is all “do do do, go go go”, we now have to be more reflective and conscientious. We have to consider our intuition instead of just using our mental, rational mind.
Classically speaking, Mercury is not at home in Sagittarius. (It’s in the sign opposite that it rules, which the ancients deemed it to be in its “detriment”.) Here Mercury can get a little judgmental or a bit fixed in its opinions. It’s possible, with Mercury now retrograde and Jupiter in Gemini, we need to get an alternative point of view in the coming days and weeks or reconsider what we think is true.
Mercury turns direct on December 15, 2024 at 6 degrees Sagittarius.
Join me for my Facebook Live at 6pm ET for the astrology of November 25-December 1, 2024. You can watch the replay on YouTube and Spotify.
If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for November 26, 2024.
Read More:
Free Online Series: Your Path to Empowerment, Runs November 24 to December 14
Jupiter in Gemini: Sign by Sign
Pluto in Aquarius: Transforming Humanity
Pluto in Aquarius: Sign by Sign
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Photo by Chris Briggs on Unsplash