Mercury meets up with Venus in Aries, a meeting that inspires kind words and diplomatic solutions. With Venus Retrograde until April 12, decisions may require us to come up with better solutions or rework a choice from the past in order to move forward.

There’s a lot of movement in the sky at the moment. And it’s not just Venus retracing its steps. We’re a few days away from a lunar eclipse at 23 Virgo, a marquee event in the astrology of 2025. Eclipses turn the wheel, they are the engines of time. Eclipses are catalysts for change, personal events, and achievements.

A Virgo lunar eclipse puts the spotlight on health and wellness, practice and craft, organization and systems, service and helping others. With Mercury, the ruler of the eclipse, in Aries, this eclipse will call on us to make a decision, to take action, to turn over a new leaf, to move forward — especially in all areas governed by Virgo, some of which mentioned above.

If you want a detailed explanation of what this latest eclipse season means for you and where the page may be turning over the coming weeks and months, you can get the video replay of my Eclipses of March 2025 webinar. Includes sign-by-sign guide. Learn more and register.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for March 12, 2025.

Read More:

New Webinar: The Eclipses of March 2025

Jupiter in Gemini: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Video: The Astrology of March 10-16, 2025

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