It wasn’t just Mercury that changed signs yesterday. Venus arrived in Cancer, too. As the planet of love and money, Venus loves the nostalgia of the past, the comfort of the familiar. Home and family are of high value as well. It needs emotional connection.

We’re starting to see a shift in the sky towards the sign of Cancer. In fact, the Sun will arrive in Cancer on Thursday, June 20. If the Sun illuminates the different seasons of life, then Mercury and Venus are what are called personal planets; they shape our day-to-day lives. And they are also never too far away from the Sun.

I have a soft spot for Venus in Cancer. It can be very nurturing; it loves to take care of others. Venus in Cancer invests emotionally in what is important. It’s protective of home and family and can be an emotional support.

That said, Cancer is a different pace than the more frenetic energy of Gemini. And with that in mind, slow down and spend time with those whom you treasure the most.

Watch my weekly video for the astrology of June 17-23, 2024. Replay on YouTube and Spotify.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for June 19, 2024.

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Video — The Astrology of June 17-23, 2024

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