Another Pisces Moon day. Another day to make sure our visions align with our values. With Pisces, an area that will get a lot of attention in 2023, pay attention to its call for reconciliation and peace as well empathy and compassion for others.

If you haven’t heard, Saturn will change signs on March 7, leaving Aquarius for Pisces. Saturn’s like the big hand on the clock and it only changes hours every three years. When it moved into Aquarius back in March 2020, it signaled a new collective hour, one lived through the energies and archetypes of Aquarius — systems and networks, science and technology, social causes and social issues, community and connection.

Join me for a live webinar presentation on Saturn in Pisces on Sunday, February 12 at 12pm ET. Recording available. Details and registration here.

So, what to expect when Saturn arrives in Pisces? First, we have to understand that Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. Its role is to be the bridge between one cycle to the next, one life to the next. Pisces closes out the zodiac; it’s the last sign. Second, like all signs, there are highs and lows to Pisces.

Pisces in its highest expression is the compassion of the divine. It’s forgiveness and redemption, the return to Source after our journey through the eleven previous signs. It’s the peace knowing that our physical bodies return to the earth and our spiritual bodies carry on. However, Pisces in its lowest is the longing of feeling alone in the universe, an existential pain that addiction can temporarily numb.

So, we have to navigate the duality of pisces in the next three years? Yes, in our own personal and collective way. We’ll have to learn to reconcile our existential pain and longing, face where we numb out or fail to let go. But we’ll have opportunities to heal, find deeper emotional and spiritual connection, and cultivate compassion.

Saturn was last in Pisces from 1994 to 1996 with a brief preview May and June of 1993.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for January 26, 2023.

Read More:

New Webinar — Saturn in Pisces: 2023-2026

Webinar — The Astrology of 2023

Webinar Clip — The Astrology of 2023

Aquarius New Moon: Know Your Worth

Newsletter — The Astrology of January 23-29, 2023

Video — The Astrology January 23-29, 2023

Learn Astrology Online — Module 1: The Fundamentals of Astrology

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Photo by Karl Fredrickson on Unsplash