The Sun meets up with Pluto in Aquarius, their first rendezvous in a series of meetings that will play out over the coming two decades. It’s a revelation of a new era as the light of the Sun shines through the evolutionary lens of Pluto, one that demands transformation.

I know that transformation is a word that is often used for Pluto, but it is used for a reason. As an evolutionary planet, meaning a cohort of planets discovered in modern times whose energies are an evolutionary force in our lives, Pluto irrevocably transforms whatever it comes into contact with.

It can reshape our lives, of course. But its true power lies in the evolution of consciousness. When we meet Pluto, we see a mirror. It’s a magical mirror, though. And it either shows us the truth of who we are, unflinchingly so … or it exaggerates and distorts our illusions, fantasies, and fears.

Now a real work begins. We need to sit with Pluto’s mirror, taking time to get quiet today, to meditate and reflect. If we are able to see ourselves in the mirror, with humility, Pluto will show us the path for our transformation. It’s a real soul alchemy. And this is where Pluto gets its reputation for power — not material power, but spiritual power, turning lead into gold.

Then again, if we are not conscious of Pluto, today may be a day where we project our emotions onto others, where we act out our unconscious patterns, where we become entangled in our distortions or illusions.

Either way, today is a call to remake, transform, reform, and start to completely clear a path for something new. (Note that this is the first Sun-Pluto conjunction in Aquarius in 200 years.)

I remember when Pluto first arrived in Capricorn in January 2008, the sign it occupied before Aquarius. (2008 is our last reference point for when Pluto went into a new sign. Before that was 1995.) I was somewhat new to astrology, or at least new to the deeper intricacies that would later form my professional work. That month and the months that followed were huge for me. What I remember, apart from the fact that my life was in shambles, apart from the fact that it was my Saturn Return, was the unwavering decision to transform my life.

And I did.

Pluto is a force and we can use that force to make a change. But, first, we have to look into its mirror.

I spoke about Pluto and Pluto in Aquarius in my video for the astrology of January 20-26, 2025. You can watch the replay on YouTube and Spotify.

And if you’re interested in energy and new perspectives in consciousness, I have two events coming up hosted by Mercia Academy, a Swiss platform that I have been teaching for since 2018. The first is a free 1-hour presentation on Energetic Sciences on January 29 at 8pm ET (recorded for replay with registration). Register for the webinar in the link below.

The second is an online weekend intensive February 8-9, 11am to 5pm ET, on Energetic Sciences, the study of energy (tangible versus subtle), consciousness, and the Weft, also known as the 6th element, that weaves the invisible threads of our reality. In this weekend intensive, you will learn to shift your brainwaves in order to shift your consciousness and reveal the Weft. Learn more and register in the link below.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for January 22, 2025.

Read More:

Free 1-hour Presentation on Energetic Sciences, January 29, 2025, Online (8pm ET)

Module 1 Energetic Sciences, February 8-9, 2025, Online (11-5 ET)

Webinar Replay: The Astrology of 2025

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Pluto in Aquarius: Sign by Sign

Pluto in Aquarius: Transforming Humanity

Newsletter — The Astrology of January 20-26, 2025

Video — The Astrology of January 20-26, 2025

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Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash