Tag: Venus square Nodes

Photo by Jarrod Reed on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: September 25, 2019

Venus squares Saturn today and we’re taking a serious look at all our relationships. Where is there room for improvement? Do we need to open up more to others? Set healthy boundaries? Create more equity? If something is not working, it needs to be fixed.

Photo by Nirmal Rajendharkumar on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: September 24, 2019

The Moon’s in Leo and we’re starting to wind down the lunar month, one that began at the end of August. It’s a day to look ahead and think about our goals and wishes for October. It’s also a day for creativity, connection, friends, and community.

Taurus New Moon: Blossoms

Taurus New Moon: Blossoms

Happy Taurus New Moon! This is the lunar month when we turn our attention to the ground beneath our feet. Taurus is the first earth sign and it teaches us all about the material world, from money and resources to food and anything we need physically to live.