Tag: Taurus New Moon

Photo by Kevin Mueller on Unsplash

Astro Daily: April 21, 2020

We’re in the dark of the moon, a quiet time of reflection and rest before the new moon. It’s the end of a lunar month that began on March 24, which feels like an age ago. What have you started? What have you learned? Tomorrow’s new moon is a catalyst.

Taurus New Moon: Blossoms

Taurus New Moon: Blossoms

Happy Taurus New Moon! This is the lunar month when we turn our attention to the ground beneath our feet. Taurus is the first earth sign and it teaches us all about the material world, from money and resources to food and anything we need physically to live.

New Moon in Taurus: In Bloom

New Moon in Taurus: In Bloom

Happy Taurus New Moon! This is the time in the zodiac calendar when we turn our attention to the earth, from the soil that nourishes life to the world in bloom. If Aries is the spark, then Taurus is the container for that spark to grow.

Data for chart above is 5/6/2016, 3:29 pm EST, New York, NY. Chart by Astro.com.

New Moon in Taurus: Fertility

New moons are new beginnings. They open up a lunar month that will unfold according to the archetypes seeded in the new moon. And what’s Taurus about? Sweetness. Pleasure. Sensuality. Taurus takes it slow. It enjoys every flavor, smell, and bite.

Photo by Sam Zeller. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: May 4, 2016

Friday’s Taurus New Moon will open up a lunar month seeded with the energies of fertility, sweetness, abundance, harvest, power, and rebirth. There’s a potential over the coming four weeks for a powerful reset. All the retrograde planets hint that there are many components that are both out of our control and remnants of our past.

Data for chart above is 5/18/2015, 12:13 am EDT, New York, NY. Chart by Astro.com.

New Moon in Taurus: Breaking from the Past

Happy Taurus New Moon! This is the time of the year when we get a fresh start in support of financial security, stability, income, value, and accumulation. Taurus is the first earth sign, the embodiment of fertility and the world in bloom. So, what seeds are you planting over the coming days? […]