Tag: Moon in Scorpio

Photo by Geran de Klerk. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: November 16, 2017

The Moon is in Scorpio and we prepare for the new moon. The energy is quiet but electric. Our intuition is sharp. Scorpio gives us X-ray vision, an ability to see beyond our physical reality and into the beyond. This is also a good day to let things go.

Photo by Scott Webb. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 17, 2017

As I mentioned in yesterday’s update, we’re coming up to a prickly stretch of astrology as Mars in Aries makes aspects to Pluto and Uranus. Today’s Scorpio Moon is activating this energy and it may be manifesting as emotional outbursts and flashes of rage.

Photo by Fabian Schmiedlechner. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 16, 2017

The Moon is in Scorpio today! With Mars in Aries, we may feel like we want to take action, start fresh. After all, Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, one that speaks to new beginnings. But we may be hitting on a deeply sensitive point as a result.

Photo by Erwan Hesry. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: December 23, 2016

Not only is the year winding down, but we’re winding down the lunar month. As a result, the energy is starting to wane. We’re reflecting on where we’ve been over the last three weeks. We integrate and prepare for the next new moon.

Photo by Annie Spratt. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: October 4, 2016

Over the next couple of days Mercury is going to do one of two things. First, it will get to the degree it occupied at the time of the solar eclipse on September 1. Second, Mercury will finally arrive at 29 Virgo, the very place it pivoted when it turned retrograde.

Photo by Epicurrence. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: July 14, 2016

The Scorpio Moon touches on Mars today, giving us one last push in this Mars in Scorpio journey we’ve been on the last few months. Mars in Scorpio has been a look into the darkness, both internal and external. It hasn’t been easy to say the least.

Photo by Annie Spratt. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 1, 2016

Happy February! Per usual I’m running behind with horoscopes (the perils of juggling two full time jobs). But I can tell you this. A dynamic new moon next week on February 8 will open up a lunar month filled with action. After all, February is Aquarius season, a time when […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: January 4, 2016

Happy 2016! Happy January! Want to get a look into this month’s astrology? Check out my monthly horoscopes. We’re heading into Mercury retrograde tomorrow plus a potent new moon on January 9 (incidentally the same day as Empowering Astrology’s sixth birthday). Speaking of the Moon, we’re rounding out the lunar […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: December 7, 2015

Happy Monday, everyone. We’re still surfing a rough wave of astrology that will peak later this week. Just yesterday, Mars and Pluto squared off, an intense energy that spoke of endings, things outside of our control, and powerful transformations. If you are a Scorpio or Aries — or if you […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: November 10, 2015

There’s something so final about the sign of Scorpio. Even though its a water sign — water is in correspondence with emotions — there’s a deep internal fire to it that consumes, transmutes, and opens up new space. I often say to my clients with a strong Scorpio in their […]