Tag: Moon in Scorpio

Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

Astro Daily: January 26, 2022

The Moon arrives in Scorpio, a reminder that the South Node of the Moon is now in Scorpio as of last week. We’re in a new chapter of time, one where we have to peer beneath the surface and look at the dark within.

Photo by Edward Howell on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 24, 2021

We start the week off with a Scorpio Moon, one that presses into deep feelings and emotions. We’re also working and preparing for a lunar eclipse, one that puts a spotlight on Sagittarius that asks us to have faith. As a result, there is an uncomfortable tension.

Photo by Sirisvisual on Unsplash

Astro Daily: April 27, 2021

We’re still shaking and shifting, reforming and transforming after yesterday’s dynamic Scorpio Full Moon. With its opposition to Uranus, we’re awakening to a new reality. Something has to change. And with Pluto turning retrograde today, there’s no going back.

Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 31, 2021

Another Scorpio Moon day. We’re putting on our detective hats and getting to the bottom of a mystery. With Mars in Gemini, we may feel a little obsessed, restless, and quick to talk about the things we don’t normally reveal — secrets and hidden information.

Photo by kalei peek on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 30, 2021

The Moon leaves Libra for Scorpio. If the Libra Full Moon was all about cooperation and partnership, then a Scorpio Moon makes us feel our vulnerability. Are we safe to connect? Can we rely on others? It’s a day to talk about what makes us uncomfortable.

Photo by Ben on Unsplash

Astro Daily: December 11, 2020

We go into the weekend with a dynamic Scorpio Moon, one that not only prepares us for the upcoming solar eclipse, but closes out a lunar month that began with a Scorpio New Moon on November 15, a lunar month for us to “die” in order to be reborn.

Photo by Tomas Robertson on Unsplash

Astro Daily: September 18, 2020

Coming off the Virgo New Moon, we’re still in its energies of renewal and refocus, especially on all matters of health and wellness, work and craft. But the Moon’s now in Libra, highlighting relationships and connection as we go into the weekend.

Photo by Alex Rodríguez Santibáñez on Unsplash

Astro Daily: August 24, 2020

We start the week as two powerful forces come up against each other. Mars in Aries makes a square to Saturn in Capricorn. This is a test of our efforts, a reality check, or a need for more discipline and responsibility. We’re setting hard boundaries, too.

Photo by Stephanie Greene on Unsplash

Astro Daily: June 30, 2020

Saturn on the edge of Aquarius. It’s been an important preview of the themes and archetypes we’ll be collectively and individually working on in 2021 through early 2023 — humanity, equity, society, justice, technology. Tomorrow Saturn returns to Capricorn.