Tag: Mercury in Sagittarius

Photo by Andrea Reiman. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: November 6, 2017

We’re coming off a full moon, one that asked us to serious reevaluate. Falling in the sign of Taurus, many of these reevaluations centered on money and stability, but they also touched on relationships. With Venus and Uranus in play, we may have had to make a break.

Photo by Ferdinand Stohr. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: January 9, 2017

Today’s Gemini Moon is a happy reminder that Mercury is direct! Not that I’m one to set the alarm about Mercury Retrograde, but it’s nice to know that things may flow a bit more smoothly now that the planet of communication and travel has moved forward.

Photo by Matthew Kane. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: January 4, 2017

Mercury, coming to the end of its retrograde, dipped back into Sagittarius today. As a result, we’re revisiting decisions, ideas, and events from late November. Mercury in Sag can be a bit opinionated, too. What needs a fresh perspective? Less judgement?

Photo by Isak Dalsfelt. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: November 23, 2016

I’ve been thinking a lot about integrity and the power of words lately — no surprise considering that Mercury lines up with Saturn in Sagittarius today. When the world shakes us, all we have is our word, all we have is our rectitude.

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Astro Daily: November 20, 2015

After zipping through Scorpio, Mercury will trade its X-ray vision for a one way ticket to a far off, exotic destination when it arrives in Sagittarius at 2:43 pm EST. Technically Mercury in its detriment in Sagittarius, but how can travel, philosophy, education, and publishing be such a bad place […]