Tag: Chiron in Aries

Photo by Mohamed Ziyaadh on Unsplash

Astro Daily: April 15, 2020

What stories are coming for you today, new and old? With the Moon in Aquarius, we’re getting our first check in with Saturn in Aquarius and a story that will unfold into 2023. But with Mercury conjunct Chiron, a very old story may get activated.

Photo by redcharlie on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 13, 2020

The Scorpio Moon takes us into the weekend, Moon that wants to examine the hidden side of life. It’s a day to search, investigate, and get to the bottom of a mystery. Paired with the Pisces Sun, we may be feeing extra sensitive as well.

Photo by Allie Smith on Unsplash

Astro Daily: December 23, 2019

We’re in the last few days of the lunar month, which means that the next few days are a time to reflect, pull inward, and make space for the next lunar month. We may be feeling a lot of energy and emotions move as we prepare for the December 26 solar eclipse.

Webinar — Chiron: Healing the Soul

Webinar — Chiron: Healing the Soul

We all have that one thing that triggers us, hitting a deep nerve. Maybe it’s someone questioning our value or not hearing us. Chiron, a newer addition to astrology, is a powerful yet subtle influence in the chart, revealing our pain points so that we can heal them.

Photo by Olenka Kotyk on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 27, 2019

The Sun squares off with Chiron in Aries. Who are we? Are we afraid to be ourselves? Shine our light? We may be more aware than usual of past pain and suffering that taught us not to be ourselves. Find your courage to take the next steps forward to heal.

Photo by Stijn te Strake on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: May 23, 2019

The Moon straddles Capricorn and Aquarius, elements earth and air. As a result, part of the day may be more focused on practical matters — work, planning, and building — while the other is full of movement and the exchange of big ideas.

Photo by Rebe Pascual on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: March 22, 2019

The Sun joins up with Chiron in Aries today. We begin a new cycle of healing and tending to some of our most oldest scars. Chiron in Aries shows us where we have to be brave, where we have to have to courage to start over and step up and be the leader.

Photo by guille pozzi on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: March 21, 2019

Welcome to a new season! The Sun’s arrival in Aries yesterday kicked off a new astrological year. Aries is new beginnings, fresh starts, and the courage to take action. Things are moving. With Mars in Taurus, this Aries Season will focus on stability, safety.