Welcome to the Sagittarius New Moon, the time in the lunar calendar when we turn our attention to a sign whose role is to make our world bigger. As a result, we’re looking towards the heavens, we’re contemplating life, we’re seeking answers, we’re finding faith. The new moon is exact on December 1, 2024 at 1:22 am ET, 9 degrees Sagittarius. That’s 10:22 pm Los Angeles, 6:22 am London, 8:22 am Johannesburg, 11:52 am New Delhi, 5:22 pm Sydney, and 7:22 pm Auckland.

New moons are new beginnings. Each month the page turns. It’s a time to renew ourselves and live the next four weeks through a different zodiac lens. Scorpio, which was November’s lunar lens, brought us through a sign that pressed on deep emotions as well as themes around trust, vulnerability, intimacy, power, and control. Scorpio is also a water sign and water is the element of transition as much as it is about emotions.

Scorpio brings us to Sagittarius and we step from water to fire. Fire is the element of rebirth, new beginnings, and new initiatives. However, Sagittarius is the last fire sign. If Aires, the first fire sign, is the spark of new life and Leo, the second fire sign, is the light that shines within, then Sagittarius is the light of the stars.

Our world would be very small without Sagittarius. We wouldn’t look outside of ourselves. We wouldn’t travel. Or want more out of our lives. Fire energy isn’t material. It doesn’t care about money and power. Instead, it trades in experience and fulfillment.

This is a new moon to ask ourselves, “How am I going to make my world bigger?” For some, that means planning a long distance trip, perhaps to a far flung foreign destination. For others, the next four weeks are deeply philosophical, weighing questions of what’s right and what’s wrong. Perhaps December brings new education. Or, opportunities to inspire and motivate.

Sagittarius is the natural storyteller and preacher. Perhaps the question is also, “How am I going to make the world bigger for others?”

This Sagittarius New Moon has Jupiter, its ruler, over in Gemini, a dynamic opposition that sparks new ideas and even a few heated exchanges. Mars is in Leo, too, an influence that gets us out in the world, but also gives us a sharp point of view. We may be more than happy to share our mind with others.

That said, what I generally love about Sagittarius and Gemini is its curiosity and enthusiasm. It’s up for adventure and will often try anything. There’s a lot of movement between these two signs and maybe we’re on the go this December as a result.

But this new moon has a square to Saturn, an influence that can pump the brakes or create a pragmatic counter point to Sagittarius and Gemini’s big ideas. The coming days and weeks may inspire serious decisions as well as a need to find an anchor. Saturn demands commitment, accountability, and maturity. Or, give us a push to build something real with all of Sagittarius and Gemini’s big ideas.

Mercury is also retrograde, a blessing in disguise. It helps us to create a balance to an otherwise fiery sky. Whatever conclusions we come to, whatever new ideas are sparked, we may need the rest of the month to work through them and see them from all angles.

Read More:

Chart of the Sagittarius New Moon, December 1, 2024

Free Online Series: Your Path to Empowerment, Runs November 24 to December 14

Mars in Leo: Sign by Sign

Jupiter in Gemini: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Pluto in Aquarius: Transforming Humanity

Pluto in Aquarius: Sign by Sign

Newsletter — The Astrology of November 25-December 1, 2024

Video — The Astrology of November 25-December 1, 2024

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