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Photo by Daniel Kainz. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Neptune in Pisces

On April 4, 2011, Neptune quietly slipped into Pisces for the first time in a century and a half. I say quietly because Neptune’s arrival didn’t pack the punch of Pluto’s entry into Capricorn nor Uranus’s into Aries. No, gossamer Neptune transitioned into Pisces like a gentle breeze announcing a shift in the direction of the weather.

Ophiuchus. Not a new sign, so everyone calm down.

Astrology’s Big Moment

Last week the world freaked out when a Minnesota astronomer sent out a press release stating that the zodiac signs had shifted over time and, surprise, you’re not the sign you thought you were. Even more shocking, there was now a new zodiac sign — Ophiuchus. Thanks to the power […]

Saturn in Libra and the Mirror

For all its niceties and focus on beauty, it would be a little unfair of us to paint the sign of Libra with such superficial strokes. After all, this girl has some real depth beyond a bad reputation for vanity. And Saturn transiting Libra over the next two years reminds […]

Free Natal Chart Reading: July's Winner

Free Natal Chart Reading: July’s Winner

This month’s winner for my online natal chart reading is Lyn. Her natal data is November 14, 1982, 12:46 am, Tacoma, Washington, USA. Congratulations, Lyn! [Click here for larger chart] There are no such things as coincidences and it is no coincidence that this month’s randomly selected winner is on […]

Free Natal Chart Reading: June's Winner

Free Natal Chart Reading: June’s Winner

This month’s winner for my online natal chart reading is for Sara, a Twitter follower in Australia who’s also celebrating her 29th birthday. Her natal data is June 12, 1981, 10:57 am, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. [Click here for larger chart] Congratulations and happy birthday, Sara! When I look at people’s […]

The Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction of 2010

What great leap in consciousness did you make 13 years ago? What radical new concept infused into your life? What jolt did you receive to your philosophy or beliefs? Think back to the first few months of 1997. Anything? The reason I point out this specific period in our lives […]

Saturn in Libra: Caught in a Bad Romance?

When a slow moving outer planet such as Saturn switches zodiac signs, recently entering Libra before retrograding back into Virgo last week, there is a subtle shift in focus from one area of our life to another. Our preview of Saturn in Libra asked us many questions: Do we have […]