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Data for chart above is 7/26/2014, 6:42 pm EDT, New York, NY.

New Moon in Leo: Here Comes the Sun

Happy Leo New Moon! Happy Mars in Scorpio! New moons are new beginnings and this one will be all about creativity, vitality, the arts, drama, children, happiness, abundance, and the bounty of life. That sounds great, right?? The new moon will be exact on July 26, 2014 at 6:42 pm EDT, 3 […]

The lion is the symbol for Leo.

Jupiter in Leo

What a year it’s been. Amirite?! I know it’s hard to believe there might be a bright spot amidst all this dark personal transformation, but indeed there is. Jupiter, the planet of faith, miracles, growth, and adventure will change signs from Cancer to Leo on July 16, 2014. Why is this […]

Data for chart above is 7/12/2014, 7:25 am EDT, New York, NY.

Full Moon in Capricorn: The Tower

Happy Capricorn Full Moon! This is the time of year when we see how far our ambitions and plans for the future have taken us, reaping the intentions we planted during the powerful new moon on January 1. Capricorn is the sign of the goat, climbing higher and higher up the […]

Be your best self in 2014.

July 2014 Forecast and Worksheet

The latest monthly astrology guide and worksheet is live! July 2014 will be a pivot point this year as the celestial gears shift. Mercury, Saturn, and Uranus change direction and Mars and Jupiter make an anticipated change of signs. Get the scoop on this and more! Big thanks to my collaborator […]

Data for chart above is 6/27/2014, 4:08 am EDT, New York, NY.

New Moon in Cancer: Divine Mother

Happy Cancer New Moon! We’re starting a new cycle in all things home, family, self care, and nurturing. Cancer is a sign that invites us to make time for the things that matter the most. It is our roots as well as the foundation we call home. It’s nostalgia, memories, and emotional connections. Over the […]

Be your best self in 2014.

Self Development and Ritual for June 2014

The latest monthly astrology guide and worksheet is live! Get ready to start talking about your feelings with all the Mercury, Gemini, Cancer, Neptune, Chiron, and Pisces action. A big thanks to my friend and collaborator Bevin Branlandingham of Queer Fat Femme for contributing. You can download June here. Previous worksheets […]

Data for chart above is 5/28/2014, 2:40 pm EDT, New York, NY.

New Moon in Gemini: A Higher Plan

Happy New Moon in Gemini! Time to plant our seeds in support of communication, information, writing, travel, and learning. Gemini is the sign of curiosity as well as duality. New moons set the tone for the next two weeks and this one will have a strong theme of movement to it, even if […]

Photo by Julia Caesar. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Opening Your Intuition

Is there such a thing as a psychic chart? How do you open up your intuitive gifts and abilities? Yes, there are certain signatures that speak to strong psychic abilities. And, just like a muscle, it takes exercise as well as practice to open these up.

Data for chart above is 5/14/2014, 3:16 pm EDT, New York, NY.

Full Moon in Scorpio: Clarity and Integration

Happy Full Moon in Scorpio! This one arrives on May 14, 2014 at 3:16 pm EDT and 23 degrees Scorpio/Taurus. And if we’re being completely honest, “happy” and “Scorpio” are two words not normally paired together, but I’m here to give you the straight dope on Scorpio, a much maligned and […]

Be your best self in 2014.

Self Development and Ritual for May 2014

The latest monthly astrology guide and worksheet is live! Although May will be calmer than April, we still have to get through a tense Full Moon in Scorpio and Mars station direct. A big thanks to my friend and collaborator Bevin Branlandingham of Queer Fat Femme for contributing. You can download […]

Data for chart above is 4/29/2014, 2:14 am EDT, New York, NY.

New Moon in Taurus: Breaking Ground

Happy Taurus New Moon! Happy solar eclipse! New moons are new beginnings, the time when we set our intentions and welcome opportunities that support income, wealth, resources, value, fertility, and stability. Over the next two weeks, if not six months, we will see just what our intentions have created. And […]