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Data for chart above is 1/20/2015, 8:14 am EST, New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Aquarius: New Year, New Vision

Happy Aquarius New Moon! This is not only the beginning of a lunar month, but the time of the year when we turn our attention toward community, friendships, intellect, humanitarian causes, democracy, freedom, equality, and technology. The new moon will be exact January 20, 2015 at 8:14 am EST, 0 degrees […]

Photo by Ryan Schroeder. CC0 - PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Saturn in Sagittarius: Sign by Sign

Saturn is in Sagittarius, the sign of travel and philosophy, from December 2014 until December 2017. If Saturn is mastery, what will it mean for you? Check out your Sun sign below. And if you know your rising sign, read for that as well.

Data for chart above is 1/4/2015, 11:53 pm EST, New York, NY. Chart by

Full Moon in Cancer: Into the Heart

Happy Cancer Full Moon! This is the time of year when we turn our attention to all things Cancer — home, family, roots, nostalgia, memories, ancestors, emotional connections, sustenance, and care. Since full moons are decision points, we may be confronted by something that will demand our attention over the next […]

New year, new you, Uranus and Pluto style.

January 2015 Horoscopes

Like a wave, life ebbs and flows. But lately it’s been more of a roller coaster with its fast paced dips and turns. We’ve been on this ride a few years now and even though we’re nearing the end, there are still a few more hair pin turns in the interim. […]

Data for chart above is 12/21/2014, 8:37 pm EST, New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Capricorn: Beginnings and Endings

Happy Capricorn New Moon! Happy solstice! If you’re in the northern hemisphere, it’s the start of a new season — winter! Time to start fresh in all things Capricorn — career, status, leadership, ambition, and success. The new moon will be exact on December 21, 2014 at 8:37 pm EST, 0 degrees Capricorn. […]

2015 Astrology Retreat in Jamaica

2015 Astrology Retreat in Jamaica

Empowered Alchemy: An Astrological Intensive into the Heart of your Horoscope. Join Katie Sweetman and Sherene Schostak, two world class astrologers, for an intimate and unforgettable astrology retreat high above in the hills of Walkerswood, St. Anne, Jamaica. Hosted at Bromley, a hundred year old cattle farm built on the foundation of an […]

Data for chart above is 12/6/2014, 7:27 am EST, New York, NY. Chart by

Full Moon in Gemini: The Choice

Happy Gemini Full Moon! This is the time of the year where we turn our sights to writing, speaking, learning, news, and travel. Since full moons are decision points, we may be confronted with something that demands our attention over the coming days. And, in true Gemini spirit, we may […]

December will bring the 6th Uranus/Pluto square and Saturn in Sagittarius.

December 2014 Horoscopes

In many ways December represents the end of the road. It’s not only the final month of the year, but it’s also the last leg of Saturn in Scorpio* before Saturn arrives in Sagittarius on December 23. We’ve walked a hard road since October 2012, the month that Saturn first […]

Data for chart above is 11/22/2014, 7:32 am EST, New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Sagittarius: A Shift in the Winds

Happy Sagittarius New Moon! A lunar month begins and we turn our sights toward religion, philosophy, faith, wisdom, and knowledge. Sagittarius is also the sign of journeys and exploration and we will begin this next chapter with our eyes toward the horizon, map in hand. Where will we go? The […]

Data for chart above is 11/6/2014, 5:23 pm EST, New York, NY. Chart by

Full Moon in Taurus: Bittersweet

Happy Taurus Full Moon! This is the time of the year when we shine a light on all things earthy and sensual as well as themes of fertility, pleasure, the body, food, resources, real estate, income, stability, security, loyalty. Taurus is the safety of solid ground to Scorpio’s leap into […]

November will be dominated by powerful alignments of Mars to Pluto, Sun to Saturn.

November 2014 Horoscopes

November spells Scorpio season, a time when the days grow shorter and yellow leaves litter the ground. It’s the end of a life cycle here in the northern hemisphere, which is why Scorpio is a sign that encompasses deep themes of death and rebirth. All we have to do is […]