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Data for chart above is 7/1/2015, 10:19 pm EDT, New York, NY. Chart by

Full Moon in Capricorn: Clearing and Rebuilding

Happy Capricorn Full Moon! This is the time of the year when the spotlight is on career, direction, structure, responsibility, maturity, status, the father, recognition, commitment, and leadership. If full moons are decision points or a time of revelation, the Capricorn Full Moon may show your life in a new […]

Data for chart above is 6/16/2015, 10:05 am EDT, New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Gemini: Choice and Consequence

Happy Gemini New Moon! This is the time of the year when we turn our attention to the sign of the twins, opening up a new chapter in support of writing, learning, speaking, information, and travel. Gemini is the first air sign. There’s a buzz to it, a steady hum […]

Photo by Tim Marshall. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

On Neptune

The station of the planet Neptune, whether retrograde or direct, is a call to reconnect to the vibrancy of Source. We are showing you a gentle stream of water. It washes away everything. It purifies. Neptune is a current of purification.

Photo by Gandosh Ganbaatar. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

On Will and Potential

We are speaking of will and potential today. We want to impart upon you this idea of free will. It is your right to make choices. How perfect that the Sun is in Gemini now, the sign of choice. But sometimes the choices you make — through your will, through your ego— are not a match for your potential.

Photo by Siyan Ren. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

June 2015 Horoscopes

Months are rarely self contained entities. They include bits of narrative that stretch out days or even weeks before. June, for the most part, feels like a transitional month, a time when we’re wrapping things up instead of starting fresh, and taking a deep look at the past. Even Mercury, […]

Data for chart above is 5/18/2015, 12:13 am EDT, New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Taurus: Breaking from the Past

Happy Taurus New Moon! This is the time of the year when we get a fresh start in support of financial security, stability, income, value, and accumulation. Taurus is the first earth sign, the embodiment of fertility and the world in bloom. So, what seeds are you planting over the coming days? […]

Photo by Blair Fraser. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

Chiron belongs to the transpersonal. It is not a classical planet therefore it deals with something bigger than the self. Chiron in Pisces reveals a knot of suffering that is existential, spiritual, mystical. How can there be a God if people suffer? There is rage in Chiron in Pisces, a well of pain that is endless.

Data for chart above is 5/3/2015, 11:42 pm EDT, New York, NY. Chart by

Full Moon in Scorpio: Let it Go

Happy Scorpio Full Moon! This is the time of the year when we look into the dark, the areas that we’d rather keep hidden, the cast off areas of our psyche. Scorpio is the shadow, power, intimacy, trust as well as finance, wealth, and debt. Scorpio is the purge followed […]

Peonies are one of my favorite flowers. You know, in case you were wondering.

May 2015 Horoscopes

May is Taurus season, the time of the year when we celebrate the bounty of the physical world, from wealth and resources to the earth in full bloom — especially for those here in the northern hemisphere. May also aligns with the ancient festival of Beltane or May Day. Think […]

Data for chart above is 4/18/2015, 2:57 pm EDT, New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Aries: Sowing Seeds

Happy Aries New Moon! This is the time of the year when we set our new intentions in support of action, leadership, renewal, and vitality. Although the start of Aries season was four weeks previous, we’re finally able to harness its energy of new beginnings. The new moon will arrive on Saturday, […]

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Webinar: Reading the Natal Chart

On Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 5 pm EDT (2 pm PDT, 10 pm London, 9 am Sydney 4/20) I will host a live 2 hour webinar designed to orient you in the fundamentals of the natal chart and help you put the pieces together along with example charts. This class is designed for intermediate students in […]