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Astro Daily: November 10, 2015

There’s something so final about the sign of Scorpio. Even though its a water sign — water is in correspondence with emotions — there’s a deep internal fire to it that consumes, transmutes, and opens up new space. I often say to my clients with a strong Scorpio in their […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: November 9, 2015

Happy Monday! Yesterday Venus, the planet of relationships, beauty, and value, arrived in Libra. When Venus is in Libra, she’s right at home. Over the next month we’ll enjoy Venus’s sweetness, charm, and beauty. All of us have Venus somewhere in our chart. Its placement shows one of our blueprints […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: November 6, 2015

On top of this witchy pairing of Scorpio and Virgo we’re feeling today (see yesterday’s update for more info), Mercury and Neptune will make a trine. If Mercury is left brain analytical thinking, then its connection to Neptune, the great dissolver of boundaries, will make for a psychedelic wave of […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: November 5, 2015

We’re surfing a strong Scorpio/Virgo vibe today, two signs that make for a rather witchy pairing. Virgo is the healer. It’s earth and craft. Scorpio is magic, an ability to transform one thing into another. In fact, the Sun is getting closer to the midpoint of Scorpio (15 degrees), a […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: November 4, 2015

We’re wapping up a Moon in Leo day and things are a little quiet in the interim. When the Moon is in Leo, we need self expression, creativity, fun, and joy. Thinking of the Moon like an antenna. Right now it’s broadcasting from Radio Leo. While Leo is generally a […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: November 3, 2015

Ever since Jupiter arrived in Virgo in August, we’ve entered a time when faith and growth will come through acts of service and organization. (My joke is that Jupiter in Virgo is like waking up on Christmas to find that all the presents came from the office supply store. Badum […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: November 2, 2015

Happy November! Here are your horoscopes! This month will be all about picking through emotional, psychic cords and knots. Scorpio will want you to look at your demons. Chiron in Pisces will want you to heal. Plus, with Saturn square Neptune this month, there will be a strong undercurrent of […]

Photo by Annie Spratt. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

November 2015 Horoscopes

Welcome to Scorpio season, our annual descent into the underworld where we get to examine and catalog all of the things that make us uncomfortable. See, that’s Scorpio’s job, to dig into the tender areas and reveal the hidden. Scorpio is alchemy, magic, transformation, and our connection to the astral […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: October 30, 2015

Wow, it’s almost the end of October! Time is flying by. And tomorrow is Halloween as well. Seems fitting, on a day where the veil is already allegedly at its thinnest, that Halloween will coincide with the Sun and Neptune making a super psychic trine. Scorpio is a sign with […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: October 29, 2015

If the Sun in Scorpio is a place to look at the hidden and dive into the waters of the astral plane, then a trine with Neptune into tomorrow is a hazy, psychedelic look into the beyond. Use this energy to meditate, to tap into a vision of something better, […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: October 28, 2015

How was the Taurus Full Moon for you? Did you bake? Take pleasure in life? Connect with nature? While Taurus loves the good life, there’s a deep emotional current running through this full moon in the form of Venus opposite Chiron. Are we safe? Are we valued? Who can we […]

Data for chart above is 10/27/2015, 8:05 am EDT, New York, NY. Chart by

Full Moon in Taurus: Reweaving the Threads

Happy Taurus Full Moon! This is time of year when we shine a spotlight on value, loyalty, money, the material, fertility, and even pleasure. Full moons are decision points and we may be confronted with themes of security and stability in the days following. The full moon will be exact […]