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Be your best self in 2014.

The Moon and Self Development

My friend Bevin Branlandingham of Queer Fat Femme and I are teaming up this year to create a month-by-month series of astro forecasts / journaling exercises. Part One of January 2014 has already been released, but it’s not too late to utilize Part Two, which touches on the January 15th hyper-sensitive […]

Photo by Yasemin Kaymak. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

The Cardinal Grand Cross of 2014

Let’s talk about 2014. With the difficult astrology in the works for the first half of the year, I wanted to take a moment to break things down — not to make you anxious or fearful, but so that we’re all on the same page and, more importantly, that we […]

Oh hey, just recording a video. Never mind the silly face and hat.

Video: 2014 Preview

Yes, that would be me making the stupid face in the still for my YouTube video. And it’s my very first video for Empowering Astrology. Hope you like it! I got extra fancy for the Venus station. Highlights include: Why was 2013 so difficult? Understanding 2014 as part of a bigger […]

Data for chart above is 1/1/2014, 6:14 am EST, New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Capricorn: The Purge

Happy Capricorn New Moon! The time of the astrological cycle when we set intentions that will stand the test of time. Capricorn, after all, is a sign that sets its sights on the long term and so we’re thinking beyond 2014 with this new moon. Capricorn is also achievement, career, […]

Be your best self in 2014.

New Year, New Partnership

In 2014, Empowering Astrology will collaborate with Bevin Branlandingham of Queer Fat Femme for a series of monthly forecasts and astrologically inspired journaling and ritual. If you like my new and full moon updates, this will give you the chance to work proactively with the lunar energies each month. As […]

Data for chart above is 12/17/2013, 4:28 am EST, New York, NY. Chart by

Full Moon in Gemini: A Eureka Moment

Happy Full Moon in Gemini! This is the time of the year when our intentions come to fruition in support of writing, speaking, education, information gathering, and learning. The full moon is exact 12/17/2013 at 4:28 am EST, 25 degrees Gemini/Sagittarius. In addition, think back to June’s New Moon in […]

Data for chart above is 12/2/2013, 7:22 pm EST, New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Sagittarius: Releasing Judgement

Happy New Moon in Sagittarius, the sign that aligns us with the galactic center — the ribbon of stars we call the Milky Way! This is the time of the year when we sow our intentions for new beginnings that support exploration, philosophy, spirituality, higher education, publishing, and travel to […]

Data for chart above is 11/17/2013, 10:16 am EST, New York, NY. Chart by

Full Moon in Taurus: Is It Worth It?

Happy Full Moon in Taurus! This is the time of the year when we harvest our previous intentions for prosperity, stability, wealth, pleasure, and fertility. The full moon is exact at 11/17/2013, 10:16 am EST, and 25 degrees of Taurus/Scorpio, bringing to a close a cycle that began on the […]

Data for chart above is 11/3/2013, 7:50 am EST, New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Scorpio: End of a Karmic Cycle

Happy New Moon in Scorpio! Happy solar eclipse! The new moon solar eclipse is exact at 7:50 am EST on November 3, 2013, 11 degrees of Scorpio. This is the time of the year when we not only plant our seeds in support of transformation, deep psychological healing, and healthy sexuality, […]

Data for chart above is 10/18/2013, 7:38 pm EDT, New York, NY. Chart by

Full Moon in Aries: Forging Ahead

Happy Full Moon in Aries! Happy lunar eclipse! This is the time of the year when we release our intentions to be braver, strike out on our own, make a bold stand, be a pioneer, and empower ourselves. Seeds planet during April’s Aries New Moon are now coming to fruition. […]