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Data for chart above is 10/8/2014, 6:50 am EDT, New York, NY. Chart by

Full Moon in Aries: A Leap of Faith

Happy Aries Full Moon! Happy lunar eclipse! This is the time of the year when we shine a light on all things related to leadership, initiative, action, bravery, aggression, and even war. Eclipses are the drivers of fate in astrology, often corresponding with major events in our lives. The full moon […]

October 2014 will contain a lunar eclipse at 15 Aries and a solar eclipse at 0 Scorpio.

October 2014 Horoscopes

In life there are bends in the roads, times when one door closes and another opens. When eclipses are involved, life can move rather quickly and suddenly in another direction. Astrology teaches us that eclipses are the drivers of fate and October will contain two of them — a lunar eclipse on […]

Data for chart above is 9/24/2014, 2:14 am EDT, New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Libra: A Change of Seasons

Happy Libra New Moon! New moons are new beginnings and this one will highlight balance, beauty, design, aesthetic, peace, cooperation, and partnership! As Libra is the sign of one-on-one relationships, this new moon may also bring opportunities to add harmony to our existing relationships over the coming lunar cycle. The new moon will […]

Be your best self in 2014

September 2014 Forecast and Worksheet

I know, I know. This forecast is, shall we say, fashionably late. Like got stuck on the subway and had to take three trains home late. But, in our defense, we’ve been rockin’ it big time. In fact Bevin just premiered Dollypalooza, which was about as awesome as it sounds. […]

Data for chart above is 9/8/2014, 9:38 pm EDT, New York, NY. Chart via

Full Moon in Pisces: The Wound of Separation

Happy Pisces Full Moon! This is the time of the year when we shine a light on all things mystical and compassionate as well as selfless service, intuition, unconditional love, surrender, forgiveness, inspiration, glamor, and the arts. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and represents the end of […]

Data for chart above is 8/25/2014, 10:13 am EDT, New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Virgo: Union Between Matter and Spirit

Happy Virgo New Moon! New moons are new beginnings and this one will highlight diet, nutrition, health, service, organization, craft, perfection, purity, and mastering the details. Virgo is a highly under rated sign. Not sure why. While you were hitting the snooze button, Virgo was already up, showered, and checking off items […]

Data for chart above is 8/10/2014, 2:09 pm EDT, New York, NY.

Full Moon in Aquarius: Creative Genius

Happy Aquarius Full Moon! This is the time of the year when we shine a light on the friendships in our life as well as social causes, humanitarian endeavors, and our place in the family of man. Aquarius is the visionary of the zodiac as well as the archetype of the genius, […]

Saturn represents the boundary between the visible and invisible.

In Defense of Saturn

Look, I didn’t set out to be a disciple of Saturn. And, let’s be honest, as planets go, Saturn has never been astrology’s favorite son. He is the planet of old age, maturity, limitations, restriction and other fun things like lead, bones, and dentistry.

Be your best self in 2014.

August 2014 Forecast and Worksheet

The latest monthly astrology guide and worksheet is live! August 2014 will be all about action now that Mars is in Scorpio and Jupiter in Leo. But with Saturn playing a big role, it’s all get real and get to work time. Big thanks to my collaborator Bevin Branlandingham of Queer […]

Photo by Breno Machado. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Notes from a Uranus Transit

As an astrologer, I have a unique perspective on my natal chart. I know every corner of it intimately and yet, after all these years, it still continues to reveal its secrets. I can also peer into the future and have a fairly accurate idea of what’s on my horizon. […]

Data for chart above is 7/26/2014, 6:42 pm EDT, New York, NY.

New Moon in Leo: Here Comes the Sun

Happy Leo New Moon! Happy Mars in Scorpio! New moons are new beginnings and this one will be all about creativity, vitality, the arts, drama, children, happiness, abundance, and the bounty of life. That sounds great, right?? The new moon will be exact on July 26, 2014 at 6:42 pm EDT, 3 […]

The lion is the symbol for Leo.

Jupiter in Leo

What a year it’s been. Amirite?! I know it’s hard to believe there might be a bright spot amidst all this dark personal transformation, but indeed there is. Jupiter, the planet of faith, miracles, growth, and adventure will change signs from Cancer to Leo on July 16, 2014. Why is this […]