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Photo by Jon Flobrant. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

December 2016 Horoscopes

Where are we? How did we get here? As we close out 2016, a year that feels like a crossroads, we may be feeling disoriented. Up is down, left is right. Thankfully, if there’s a zodiac sign to help us find ourselves it’s Sagittarius.

Photo by Mats-Peter Forss. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: November 30, 2016

One of the quieter undercurrents to yesterday’s new moon was Chiron in Pisces. Why? Because the planet of emotional, psychic, spiritual knots will turn direct tomorrow, infusing this lunar month with deep existential feelings as well as a call for healing.

Sagittarius New Moon: The Search

Sagittarius New Moon: The Search

Happy Sagittarius New Moon! This is the time in the astrological calendar when we turn our attentions to faith, truth, and meaning. Sagittarius is foreign travel, other cultures, philosophy, religion, higher education.

Photo by Dylan Roberts. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

On Scorpio

In Scorpio we meet The Passage, a time when we confront the karma of our choices, which were weighed in Libra. Like the heart balancing on the scales in ancient Egyptian mythology, we discover which side our actions have served.

Photo by Pascal Müller. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

On Sagittarius

When we arrive in Sagittarius, we’ve balanced our heart against the scales and now we await judgement. It is in Sagittarius that our karma is written based upon our choices in the cycle, which we live out in Capricorn, the following sign.

Photo by Isak Dalsfelt. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: November 23, 2016

I’ve been thinking a lot about integrity and the power of words lately — no surprise considering that Mercury lines up with Saturn in Sagittarius today. When the world shakes us, all we have is our word, all we have is our rectitude.

Photo by David Siglin. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: November 22, 2016

Happy birthday, Sagittarius! You’re the sign that teaches us about exploration, other cultures, other ways of thinking, other religions and philosophies, all in the quest for better understanding ourselves and the world.

Photo by Jared Erondu. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: November 21, 2016

We’re in the last hours of Scorpio Season, a time that takes us through the underworld and face our fears — fears of death, fears of losing control, fears of intimacy — so that we may transform. It’s a gut wrenching but a necessary path through the zodiac cycle.

Photo by Alex Wong. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: November 18, 2016

With Neptune turning direct tomorrow, we’ve been in Neptune land all week, which is to say a little out of it, totally emotional, hyper empathic. That’s because a planetary station saturates the collective with its archetype. And Neptune is nothing short of a flood.

Photo by Annie Spratt. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: November 17, 2016

We’re caught in a storm today. Between the Cancer Moon, Pluto, and an upcoming Neptune station, emotions are running high. We may feel touchy, moody, and on psychic overload. Cancer says, find something solid to hold onto.