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Astro Daily: April 6, 2017

As a mentioned a couple of days ago, the marquee event this week is Saturn Retrograde. Maybe you’re feeling it, this weight, this sobering look at your life and the road ahead. Saturn is the planet of time. We’ve got some serious things to figure out.

Photo by Tyssul Patel. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: April 5, 2017

Mars in Taurus picks up support from Pluto today, a powerhouse combination that favors rank and the accumulation of wealth. Figure out what you need to take your life to the next level. Mars and Pluto will open a door.

Photo by Lindsay Henwood. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: April 4, 2017

One of the features of April’s astrology is that four planets will change directions. Venus will turn direct while Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto turn retrograde. In short, different areas of our lives will switch gears in a four week span of time.

Photo by I'm Priscilla. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: April 3, 2017

Venus, coming to the last leg of its retrograde journey, dipped into Pisces, a sign that it’s much more comfortable in than Aries. In Pisces, Venus marries charm and with Pisces’s sensitivity and magnetism. But Venus is retrograde. Everything has to be revalued.

Photo by Ruben Bagues. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

April 2017 Horoscopes

Welcome to Aries Season! As the first sign of the zodiac, we’re celebrating another astrological year. It’s a time of new beginnings as Aries inspires us to take action in our lives. But Venus is retrograde. In order to move forward we have to revisit the past.

Photo by Jared Sluyter. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: March 31, 2017

After a short sprint through Aries, Mercury, the planet of communication and travel, arrives in Taurus today, a sign where it learns to slow down. Taurus is earthy, experiential. It likes to touch, taste, and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. In Taurus Mercury gathers.

Photo by Ruthie. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: March 30, 2017

Jupiter and Pluto square off today, one of three contacts that began in November and will end in August. If Jupiter is the planet of faith, belief, education, and other cultures, then Pluto holds a mirror. In it we see the shadow of our faith, our belief.

Photo by Joanna Kosinska. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: March 29, 2017

Mercury, the planet of choice, is coming out of a rough and tumble week with Pluto, Uranus, and Jupiter. Needless to say we all had to reevaluate our choices. As a result, maybe we’re feeling a little older, a little wiser, our choices a little starker.

New Moon in Aries: Core Values

New Moon in Aries: Core Values

Happy New Moon in Aries! This is the time of the lunar calendar when we experience the metaphorical energies of spring — renewal, revitalization, rebirth, and initiation. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and inspires us to get motivated.

Photo by Patrick Hendry. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: March 27, 2017

We’re in the dark of the Moon today, just hours away from an Aries New Moon. As we wrap up one lunar month and prepare for the next, it’s a time to get quiet and reflect, especially since we’re coming off of last month’s solar eclipse. What ended? What began?

Photo by Denys Argyriou. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: March 24, 2017

Mercury, the planet of choice and communication, just got knocked by Pluto and will tangle with Jupiter and Uranus into the weekend. If Pluto holds a mirror to a planet, then we’ve had to take a unflinching look at not only how we think, but what we choose.

Photo by Jessica Ruscello. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: March 23, 2017

We’re nearly half way through Venus Retrograde, a time when we’re called to take a step back and examine how we relate to one another. The beauty of retrogrades, often overlooked, is that they allow us to reevaluate an area of our lives and make adjustments accordingly.