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Photo by Roman Kraft. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 8, 2017

We’re only a day away from the Sagittarius Full Moon, but the spotlight is already on legal matters, the media, and information. Plus, the full moon will fall on the same day as Jupiter Direct, creating a big push for you to profess your faith.

Photo by Thomas Kelley. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 7, 2017

Gemini Season just got a boost! After meandering through Taurus, Mercury moves into Gemini, amping up our need for exploration, travel, information, and new ideas. The next two weeks will favor all forms of communication as well as education.

Photo by Vincent Botta. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 6, 2017

Venus is finally in Taurus after three months of back and forth sluggish energy! In fact Venus is quite at home in Taurus, the sign it rules. Over the next four weeks, until July 4, we’ll experience Venus’s love of pleasure, earthy sensuality, and material abundance.

Photo by Matt Howard. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 5, 2017

Cancer, the sign of home and family, just got a visitor. Over the next six weeks Mars will heat up one of the most fundamental parts of our life, dredging up feelings of need and security. While Mars in Cancer demands connection, it also can be quite fussy.

Photo by Andalucia Andaluia. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 2, 2017

Feeling frustrated? Mars, in the final degrees of Gemini, will make a square to Chiron today and things may not be going according to plan. Our actions may feel thwarted. If emotions bubble up, a deeper story may be coming up for you to heal.

Photo by Smart. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

June 2017 Horoscopes

Welcome to Gemini Season! This is a time in the zodiac calendar when we look to travel, communication, education, and the mind. Gemini is a curious sign. It likes to explore as much as it needs a steady stream of information.

Photo by Robert Nelson. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 1, 2017

Both Venus and Mars are rounding out stays in Aries and Gemini respectively. Come next week we’ll see a shift in the weather after a few months of false starts and do-overs. Venus will breathe life to fertile, earthy Taurus. Mars will press emotional buttons in Cancer.

Photo by Richard Tilney-Bassett. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: May 31, 2017

Virgo Moon day. We turn our attention to our health, our work, and the dedication we need to keep our daily lives running smoothly. With Pluto supporting Mercury as well, it’s a perfect day to research and get to the bottom of a mystery.

Photo by Tiko Giorgadze. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: May 30, 2017

Today’s Leo Moon is a reminder that it’s time to celebrate the self and individuality courtesy of the North Node, which is also in Leo. Think creativity, self expression, and a sense of identity. With the Sun in Gemini, it’s all about how we communicate who we are.

Photo by Luca Bravo. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: May 29, 2017

Do you feel like you’ve reached your limit? Or have you thrust yourself over a major hurdle? With Mars and Saturn peaking, we have a check in on our growth, maturity, and commitment. After all, Saturn pushes us toward achievements and personal milestones.

Photo by Craig Whitehead. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: May 26, 2017

We had a Gemini Moon yesterday that not only kicked off a new lunar month, but activated a powerful opposition between Mars and Saturn. If Mars rules our will and efforts, then Saturn is not unlike hitting a boundary. We’ve gone as far as we can go.