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Photo by Jeremy Bishop. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: January 12, 2018

The Moon’s in Sagittarius, our time each month to connect to our internal GPS that points us forward and inspires us to explore the world. With Jupiter in Scorpio, we’re exploring the hidden side of life as well — the intimate, emotional, and deeply esoteric.

Photo by The Creative Exchange. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: January 11, 2018

Now that Mercury has changed signs, joining the ranks of Saturn, Pluto, the Sun, and Venus, we’ve got another addition to this stellium in Capricorn. This means that maturity and responsibility are a major focus. We’re taking stock of time and making hard choices.

Photo by Antenna. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: January 10, 2018

Mercury at the end of Sagittarius today, leaving its retrograde shadow and closing out a long story from the start of December. Tomorrow, Mercury will arrive in Capricorn. But, before that, what did we learn? How are we making better choices for ourselves?

Photo by Vince Fleming. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: January 9, 2018

With four planets in Capricorn, there’s a fair bit of emphasis on all things Capricorn right now — duty, responsibility, boundaries, and the the power of saying no. But it’s Venus in Capricorn that’s teaching us about currency, from our worth to what our worth can buy.

Photo by Orlova Maria. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: January 8, 2018

We start the week off on a powerful note as the Libra Moon picks up on the Sun, Venus, and Pluto, all aligned in Capricorn. Negotiation, cooperation, and connection are key. We have to take responsibility and make a change. Pluto’s influence makes it nonnegotiable.

Photo by Daiga Ellaby. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: January 5, 2018

Mars, slowly making its way through Scorpio, joins up with Jupiter and adds fuel to Scorpio’s need to get to the deep dark heart of the matter. This is an emotional revelation, a transformation. Only weeks away from the eclipses, Mars and Jupiter strike the chords of fate.

Photo by Marco Xu. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: January 4, 2018

The Leo Moon touches on the nodes of fate, reminding us that we’re less than a month away from the eclipses. Pay attention to what you are feeling, hearing, and experiencing. This is a preview. It also threads back to the eclipses from August 2017.

Photo by Harry Quan. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: January 3, 2018

The Leo Moon lifts us out of an emotional full moon, giving us more confidence and motivation. But it’s still Capricorn Season and we’re being asked to take Leo’s talents and creativity and put them to practical use. Time to make good on your New Year’s resolutions.

Photo by Alvaro Reyes. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: January 2, 2018

Uranus, the great awakener, turns direct in Aries, shaking our consciousness and opening us to new ways of expression and individualism. Be open to new insights, new ways of approaching old problems. Don’t be afraid to set out on a new course.

Cancer Full Moon: Longing

Cancer Full Moon: Longing

Happy Cancer Full Moon! The spotlight is on family, home, and emotional connection. Here the Moon is at home in the sign it rules and, as a result, we’re feeling sensitive, nostalgic, and craving the people and sensations we need to nourish our lives.

Photo by Ivana Cajina. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

January 2018 Horoscopes

Here we are, a new year, a new chance to start over. It’s no coincidence that Capricorn Season, a sign known for discipline, coincides with our yearly check in with our growth and maturity. And with Saturn in Capricorn, we’re being held to a higher standard this year.

Photo by Ian Schneider. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: December 29, 2017

The Moon continues its journey through earthy Taurus, giving a nod to Saturn and Venus in Capricorn. As we wrap up the year, we may be feeling a little serious, a need to start hammering out a plan for the coming months.