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Astro Daily: November 4, 2020

The Moon straddles Gemini and Cancer today, two very different signs. While Gemini is restless in its pursuit of information and ideas, Cancer wants us to slow down and find comfort, care, and connection. With Mercury Direct, things are a little wonky, too.

November 2020 Horoscopes

November 2020 Horoscopes

Welcome to November. Welcome to Scorpio Season, a season that brings us into life’s deeper emotions, from vulnerability and intimacy to the fears we all have lurking within. Scorpio is a necessary step in our push to evolve and deepen our connections.

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Astro Daily: November 3, 2020

Mercury turns direct after a three week retrograde spanning the signs of Scorpio and Libra. We’ve had to reinvestigate, research, and reevaluate. With Mercury pivoting in aspect to Saturn, there are serious choices to weigh that may impact our future.

Photo by Patrick Langwallner on Unsplash

Astro Daily: November 2, 2020

We’re coming off some big full moon vibes, one that may have shifted or upended things, even the way of seeing ourselves. With the Moon in Gemini, we’re feeling a pull to search and explore deep within and find answers to mysteries.

Taurus Full Moon: Plot Twist

Taurus Full Moon: Plot Twist

Welcome to the Taurus Full Moon, the time in the lunar calendar when the spotlight is on money and resource, pleasure and sensuality, material stability and security. Taurus teaches us to slow down and enjoy the physicality of life.

Photo by Loren Cutler on Unsplash

Astro Daily: October 30, 2020

The Moon trades Aries for Taurus, moving from dynamic and energized to sensual and grounded. Normally this would be a weekend to slow down and enjoy the beauty and pleasure of Taurus, but the October 31 full moon shakes us awake and opens our eyes.

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Astro Daily: October 29, 2020

The sky starts to heat up as an Aries Moon meets up with Mars and rounds past three planets in Capricorn. It’s not only a day to focus on work and responsibilities, but we may be feeling a little temperamental and prickly, too.

Photo by Robin Gislain Shumbusho on Unsplash

Astro Daily: October 28, 2020

Venus and Mercury change signs, arriving in Libra. Relationships once again are a focal point, from how we interact and socialize to how connect and communicate with one another. Mercury in retrograde also revisits events and choices from late September.

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Astro Daily: October 27, 2020

We’re wrapping up our time with the Pisces Moon today, a Moon that may feel a little listless and untethered. It’s a day best spent resting, integrating, meditating, and intuiting. Since it’s Scorpio Season, pull a tarot or oracle and reflect on the answers received.

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Astro Daily: October 26, 2020

We start the week off with a Pisces Moon, one that plays into Scorpio Season’s tendency for psychic activity and spiritual connection. We’re pulling back the veil today, feeling, intuiting, and sensing something unseen. We’re more sensitive, too.