In 1986, astrologer Donna Cunningham, drawing on her experience as a social worker, wrote the influential book, Healing Pluto Problems. In it she addressed the darker challenges that arise by having a strongly placed or aspected Pluto. And more importantly, she laid out the tools needed to address these problems. The book has gone on to be one of the go-to resources for anyone looking to gain greater understanding of their natal Pluto themes.
But what about healing Neptune problems? Those who have a heavily aspected outer planet in their natal chart experience the archetype in intense ways. Neptune, the planet of illusions, escapism, and victims, brings its own set of challenges. If you’re like me — I have Neptune on the Ascendant conjunct two personal planets in the 12th square a Pisces South Node — moving from the lower form of Neptune to the higher form isn’t always a slam dunk. Instead it’s a meandering and messy journey through the fog of life. You may wonder why you keep attracting losers? Or people keep dropping out of your life? Or why you feel you have to be the savior? Or always the victim? Or feel guilty over saying no? The solutions are always not so clear, but let’s figure out together how to work with our Neptune problems instead of against.
A caveat: I offer these tools as a working dialogue, not necessarily the be-all and end-all fixes to Neptune gone wild. I obviously speak from experience, but know that my own partnership with Neptune/Pisces/12th House is evolving as is yours. And those really stuck in the Neptune shadows know that it’s easier said than done. (Note to self, reread Alive and Well with Neptune by Bil Tierney.)
Things to Stop Doing Immediately
Abusing substances. Hate to be a buzzkill, but Neptune is a hypersensitizing influence, especially if you have Neptune in aspect to the Sun, Moon, or the Ascendant or if you have Pisces rising. All this Neptune juice makes you extremely sensitive to toxins and is the psychic equivalent of leaving doors unlocked and all the windows open while you’re away on vacation. At the root is the use of substances to break down the veil between the physical and the astral and to reconnect with Source. But there are healthier ways to do this, namely meditation.
Being the savior. Are you the one always rescuing the baby bird who fell out of the nest? Are you rescuing lovers? Friends? Humanity? This only serves to reinforce the martyr role and creates an imbalanced relationship. Stop for your own sake lest you end up on the cross.
Being the victim. There are no victims. We co-create everything. So recognize your part in your creations, including the less than pleasant stuff.
Giving from the ego. This one’s a little trickier. If you find yourself giving and never receiving, question your motives. Are you giving because you want to be recognized for your selfless acts? Are you giving because you need to be validated? Are you giving with expectation? This is shadow Neptune at work and you’ll set yourself up for disappointment every time.
Creating from guilt. If you’re doing something because you feel guilty, you’re never going to be happy with the results.
Being open to everything. The opposite of Pisces is Virgo, the sign that teaches us discernment. Learn it well. Which brings me to . . .
Things You Should Do
Say no. People with a strong Neptune in their chart have a hard time saying no. They feel like if they do say no, they are letting someone down, which then fuels the martyr role and creates actions from guilt. Remember, cultivate discernment.
Have good boundaries. This one is a hard one because Neptune people have a hard time knowing where they end and someone else begins. Having a healthier sense of boundaries and saying no is a big step in the right direction.
Question reality. With Neptune, chances are there are a lot of things in your life that you’re not seeing clearly. So question everything.
Detox. Detoxing from substances, toxins, chemicals (even sugar) creates new energetic pathways that help you to get higher expression of Neptune and see beyond the illusions.
Surrender. Neptune is all about surrendering to divine order. At the risk of sounding trite, let go and let God.
The Higher Expression of Neptune
The thing about Neptune is that it’s a spiritual planet. If you try to do 3D or ego based reality through your Neptune, you’re going to get a lot of distortion. While it’s easy to point the finger and blame Neptune for our suffering, it takes a fair bit of maturity to work towards the higher expression. So how do we do that?
Neptune shows where we’re getting our halo without the martyrdom, where 3D needs are sacrificed for the greater good. Herein lies the dualistic nature Neptune with the lower path manifesting sacrifice as loss and the higher path manifesting sacrifice as making things sacred. It’s that very important pivot in perception that allows the higher expression of Neptune to manifest. God willing.
Another dynamic is giving and serving from a place of limitlessness as the compassion/unconditional love we receive from Source is without end. Doing something for someone out of the pure joy of service is a much different vibration than serving with the expectation of return or validation. We can’t be disappointed if we know our needs are always met, replenished from an unending spring.
The Bigger Picture
As discussed, there are two paths we can walk when we engage with our Neptune, the higher path leading us to our reconnection with Source. Ultimately our Neptune/Pisces house requires a bit of surrender. And Neptune requires us to co-create with Source, not from the needs of ego. Aspects to natal planets show where there is a higher purpose involved, where there’s the potential for unconditional love and compassion. We just need to turn off our 3D filters so we can see the beauty beyond the sacrifice. Neptune can be a bit of a heartbreaking journey when we’re stuck in the lower expressions, but how else would we learn to let go and let God?
So choose the higher path. Choose discernment. Choose healthy boundaries. Choose compassion. Time to get off the cross.
Thank you for this article. I am 12th house Neptune in Scorpio and my boyfriend is 7th house Neptune in Scorpio. He is a Pisces and I’m a Scorpio. well i don’t need to tell you that we’re having STUFF going on. This perspective is like opening a window and feeling the beautiful cool air.
Thank you for writing this beautiful article! It has been tremendously helpful to me, especially the part about ‘giving from ego’. I have a 7th house Neptune in a T-Square with my apex Sun in the 5th and Jupiter in the first. My pattern has been to try and ‘rescue’ woebegone men, pouring all my love into their pitiful lives and expecting them to be grateful and give it back……only they can’t/don’t ever return it in kind. Your insightful words have helped me to better understand my part in co-creating this imbalance, and I will use greater discernment in future relationships! Thanks again:)
Another excellent article Katie. The concept of seeing the spirit in everyone I feel is a must to get beyond earthly expressions of this Archetype. I felt you touched up this in a logical but yet entertaining analysis. Thank You!
Great article, Katie. This is practical, workable counsel, which the Neptunian needs. I have Neptune conjunct my AC in h12. Thankfully, I’ve not had to wrestle with substance abuse, but setting boundaries, saying no, and leaving strays alone have been lifelong learning opportunities. Keep up the good work!
I have bookmarked this to come back to. Neptune aspects EVERYTHING in my chart except for the Sun, Mars, and my Ascendant. Most of the aspects are major, including it being part of a Water Grand Trine. Right now, transit Neptune is opposing my Sun, and I literally feel as if I’m drowning in emotions. You give a lot of helpful information in this article, without making it feel as doom-and-gloomy as most Neptunian counsel seems to be. (One interesting thing: I don’t drink, and drugs made me feel horrible instead of good, so that experiment didn’t last long. I guess with all of that Neptune in my chart that’s a good thing.)
I know this may sound strange, but I have two horoscopes. Depending on the software, I am either Sagittarius Rising or Gemini Rising. My planetary placements are the same, but the housing is different sort of like the flipping upside your chart. Take for instance, in my Gemini Rising chart, I have Venus, Mars, and Jupiter in Scorpio in my 5th and 6th houses. In my Sagittarius Rising chart, I have those planets in my 12th house all conjuncting my Ascendant. Neptune is in Sagittarius in my 6th house in my Gemini Rising chart, but in Sagittarius Rising chart it is in my 1st house tightly conjuncting my Ascendant in Sagittarius.
Strange as it may seem I am undoubtedly both of these charts. I’m feeling both of them all the time. My personality is generally the same in both charts. As far as both charts are concerned Neptune has been oppressive with Saturn being horrifying!
Rising Gemini/Sagittarius
Sun Capricorn
Moon Aquarius
Great article. Going through a Neptune conjunction to my natal rising Sun (square natal Neptune.) and looking for advice. Most sites give descriptions of this transit but no advice on how to deal with it. Your advice is clear and down to earth.
Thank you so much! I’ve only recently realized the path I’m on. With Neptune in my first house conjunct my ASC I’ve tried to be everything for everyone. And attracted people in my life who’ve collected the benefits of that dynamic. Freed, finally – the recent retrograde may have had something to do with it – and left all that behind. I’ve also attracted new, healthy relationships for the first time in my life.
I loved the article since it clearly stated the life areas to be aware of. Bookmarked definitely, and a big fan of the site from now on!
I have Neptune in my first house too…..hate feeling like I have no boundaries…..etc etc….but on a good note I have been tackling these issues head on…..with North Node in Aries I find myself having to be more assertive….Ive made it my business to do the wiork to have more balance in my life….. A Scorpio rising with Neptune in Scorpios been ok for me too……risining to the challenge to be and feel better regardless of the realities of the outside world…..
Thank you so much for this. After 55+ year’s here I have only recently looked seriously at my natal stars. I have Neptune in the 6th near the 7th house cusp, and opposite my ascendant. 55+ years of confusion, delusion, illusion, and betrayals. I know there are things I’ve done that brought it all about, but I always thought I was doing the right thing. Most of my “friends” are quite happy with my lack of boundaries. You put the issues very succinctly. Thank you for such clarity.
thanks for the text, my neptune is conjunct the sun and venus in the AC 1st house. I identify with that a lot and I found great your points about how to rule the neptune. I didn`t realize before reading this article that the tiring martyr-guilt game comes mostly from neptune unawareness.
Awesome article and a reminder. I just realized that I live with Neptunian people too. Thank you for the clear and succinct exploration of the issues. I resonate with all of them. Saturn is going to transit my Neptune in 12th Scorpio too, and Neptune squares my ASC now.
Meant to thank you at the time for this,, dear Katie. And a light went on when I read these words in your latest Facebook post, “If you have a strong Neptune in your natal chart, in many ways your life is not your own. You are a conduit for higher spiritual service — or rather that’s the potentiality once you move through the haze of the Neptune’s lower expression. The ego will kick and scream all the way until you let go and mature into your Neptune.”. It makes it all so clear.Maybe my ego will learn to’ kick and scream’ a bit less, thanks to your words! Really can’t thank you enough! xx
By the grace of God I read this article just in time. I’m having some difficulties right now with transit neptune conjunct my ascendant in Pisces. This article is so insightful! Thank you so much!
Ascendant Sagittarius house 1- 5 degrees ,
Neptune in house 12 of Scorpio but 4 degrees Sagittarius
ho I live the illusion with my feet on the ground : Sun in Capricorn 27 degrees
Am aware, meditate ….. feeling I am walking my path !
I Am and I don’t want to let go ………..
Thank you for this insight! This very practical advice is just what I need when I am only now starting to discover that I have been walking in the fog all my life, my Neptune aspecting virtually EVERY planet and angle in my chart!!! And on top of that it happens to be the only planet in the upper part of it!!! I believe it’s thanks to the current Neptune transiting Pisces and aspecting some planets that brought about the awakening. Thank you for recommending the book on Pluto.
And you are right – time to get off the cross – anyway nobody noticed it))))
This was a very beautifully written article…but it also hit some nerves. I’m struggling with drinking as a means of…fun? Escape? Easing off my edges? Etc. In the day to day realm, most would say “It’s ok.” I function, I go to work, I’m not going through bottles nightly. But the habit IS every night, and 2-3 glasses of wine. To the point where I often feel buzzed…well. The sensitivity is there. Removing the ‘juice’ feels really good, and necessary. I stopped for a full 3 weeks, through the holidays. Which sounds small, but for a nightly wine drinker, felt very long indeed – and then had a New Years out, and I did imbibe. I had a plan to reset to tee-totaling, but tonight had a few glasses, and…here we are again. Sensitivity, sadness…it’s all right back where I was a month or so ago. Hmmm. There’s a healthy balance in there somewhere. Maybe it’s pure abstinence, or maybe it’s going less and less but enjoying for special occasions, so the charge is removed.
In the background of all of this, I am picking up my own beautiful man-crush from afar. So lost and sad…catnip to someone like me. Ha! Many MANY good lessons from this article, for those with Neptune tendencies. Oh and for the record, natal Scorp, with Pisces rising (currently conjunct by Neptune til’ 2017). My Natal Neptune rules my Midheaven. Lately, less delusion in that arena, and I’m an artist, so…perhaps that all makes sense. Curious what I’ll be like when this transit is over. Hoping it’s a transformation for the best. Thanks for your lovely words.
Thank you! Neptune going over the ascendant is going to hypersensitize the body and your perception of reality. As someone who was a daily drinker (and it was cocktails more often than wine), I can relate to what you are going through. If I have any words of encouragement is that this is a perfect time to quit drinking or at least take an extended break. With Neptune on the ASC you’re a sponge for everything and your boundaries are down. Cutting out the juice means you have a clearer sense of what you’re taking in and what you’re drawing a line at. Good luck.
I know you may not read this, but nobody has two chart for one given birth date and time. To choose which of the two, just look at the Sun. If you are born by daytime, the Sun should be above the horizon, up there in the Sky. If you are born by time, that means the sun had set and was below the horizon. With that in mind, check the two chart and chose accordingly. If you are born at dawn, the Sun is near the rising point (Asc, House 12 or 1). If twilight, the setting point (Desc. House 6 or 7).
Thank you very much for these words! They have connected the dots for me at a deep level.
This is pretty critical for me given the extreme Neptune energy in my chart……I have Neptune stationary in 12th house Sag. It’s the apex of a T-square. Neptune is square my Moon conjunct MC in Virgo [1 degree orb] & Neptune square Mercury in Pisces 3rd house [4 degree orb]. I also have Sun & Venus, as well as Mercury in Pisces…..& Neptune in the same degree as the nodes
Thanks for this article. Check this out, all of my major planets conjunct to Neptune:
Neptune in the First House
Neptune in sagittarius
Neptune conjunct Ascendant
Neptune Square Moon
Neptune Square Jupiter
Neptune Square Saturn
Neptune trine Sun
Neptune sextile Mars
Neptune sextile Pluto
I only recently discovered how Neptune has highly influenced my life, for I am highly creative and dreamy (I’m an actor/graphic designer), I’ve always felt like a martyr (working on it), always had trouble having boundaries and saying “no” to friends and family, I attract crazy people all the time yet I understand them (which scares me a bit), I have vivid lucid dreams all the time and sometimes they happen after I dream them, I feel dual (like I’m two different people at times) and I get confused a lot. I’ve always known that I’ve been highly sensitive, so I decided from a Very young age to express and use it on a stage, but lately I’ve been disillusioned because I don’t know what is real or not and if this whole entire time before knowing Neptune’s influences, if it’s simply all a dream and I’ve believed things that are not simply happening for me. How do I leverage these influences? I’ve been getting more into meditation and spirituality, but I feel like I’m lacking clarity.
Sun in Leo
Moon in Virgo
Rising in Sagittarius
This article rang a lot of bells for me. As a Virgo with Neptune now long camped out in my opposing Pisces, I have been dealing with every issue you mentioned, and it all came crashing down just recently. I can see the hidden expectations I had now, though, so important lessons were learned, if sadly. Not the prettiest picture, but time to get my Virgo discernment back on. I’m sure I’ll continue to be challenged, but this outlined very clearly the kinds of behavior and attitudes I need to keep in the forefront of my awareness. Thank you so much.
Beautifully worded, you must be channeling a Virgo north node or something! I am approaching midlife with next to nothing left from the first half, as sun opposite Pluto is tilling the soil of the foundation of my life. Neptune is there in my progressed chart next to natal ASC and I’m embracing my psychic practice with renewed vigor (Pisces north node in sixrh house). Went from a scientist life to a purely energy medicinal one and now am super strict with what enters my personal life. I draw boundaries now between professional and personal, Neptune belongs in my psychic and artist profession and I don the boundary scientist one for home to block the heartache of being used. Great article!
Very well written. Enormusly well. Best advice I have ever read.
Extremely stressed neptune here. Conjunct ascendant. Square mars and sun. Opposition chiron and Semisquare venus.
I distinctly remember how I have read somewhere, that in order to fully become your greater version you will have to align your different levels of conciousness. Not that ‘you’ or your ego can do that, anyway, but that the process has structure.
The sun, our heart is the center, and aligning your lower mind, mercury, is fundamental to aquire true neutrality with the energies around and in you, going next through venus, compassion, the moon, emotional part of one’s self, mars, drive, jupiter, benefactor, saturn, 3d condensator/’reality’, uranus, higer expression of mind/unity of mind, neptune, higher expression of compassion/spirituality/unity and lastly pluto, breaking of self/death/dematerialization.
Chakras and energies are practical things to focus on.
Looking the other way around it the most influential currents come outwardly from death (ego pluto version: fear) and then the metastasis/deeper flow/neptune (ego neptune version: illusions), then faith (ego uranus version: belief/convictions), then the 3d (ego saturn version: ‘reality’), then greater good (ego jupiter version: finding good in being ‘bad’, aslo called being willingly ignorant), then drive (ego mars version: competiton), then emotions (ego moon version: hate, menace, anger), then compassion (ego venus version: being over-caring, martyrdom), then neutrality (ego mercury version: indifference) and lastly, actually, is will. Ego will is just ego. And realizing that when you have aligned yourself with the sourroundings your will is not needed any more, making the leaps possible.
I find it very offensive that you write “There are no victims.” Having experienced extreme child abuse, it is unfortunate that as a child you do end up as a victim with adulthood CPTSD due to that daily torture. It does not mean that I see myself as a victim, I have chosen to be never defeated by my past. I see myself as a warrior.
Although I do not know what you mean by 3D, what I found especially valuable in your article is your suggestion to stop “giving from the ego”. While most humans need some type of reciprocation, and I think that’s normal and healthy, when one’s emotional stability and even identity depends on that recognition, it can get out of balance. Neptune as dissolution or transformation of the ego is a great challenge in such a material world, but articles like yours help us to see what is really happening.
I’m sure that other parts of people’s charts with a strong Neptune will confirm a theme of working on ego issues. My Leo Rising conjunct Pluto in 1st reveals a drastic outer planet transformative process happening to my ideal of self, as does my Uranus in Leo (detriment). This 12th house Uranus squares Sun, Mercury and N. Node, and barely misses the generational aspect of squaring Neptune.
So, we see all the outer planets and aspects there-of (including Neptune conjunct Sun and trine Moon) in my chart reinforcing and urgency to transform the ego.
I’d like to see an article from you on Neptune and Chiron, or Neptune and the N. Node as indications of a way out of the martyr/victim complex.
My Neptune in 12th. I live, breathe in my imagination world. I live far out in the ocean all by myself. I always try to escape people. Being around people I would have to face reality. Reality is ugly. I have a hard time coping with reality, I withdraw most of the time when I’m out. Everything in my life is blurry and don’t always have an answer but I’m actually ok. I go where ever the flow takes me. It’s scary and I don’t like it but life becomes easier for me. I’m having a good time just having fun but once reality hits, my life is a complete mess. I haven’t done much in life other than daydream. I need to be out in reality more and do more humen things but I’m actually a mermaid stuck in my imagination world.
Thank you for the very insightful info on Neptune. Indeed, every planet has its bright and dark sides, and this ice giant is no exception. But unlike other planets, Neptune is a very subtle instrument to play on which apparently needs some exquisite skills and understanding. Ascendant is the interface with the world (life), right? Does it mean that people with Neptune rising perceive their life as some kind of adventure holiday? I theorize so because it rules isolation, vacation, dreams, rest, etc.
Great article. I feel Neptune is rarely engaged in terms of healing. I have mine on my moon in cap in the 10th house with Uranus aspecting most personal planets. As well as Pisces/Black Moon Lilith ascendant and Saturn in my 12th house (Pisces). I have a lot of earth and fire in my chart but feel overwhelmed by Neptune most days, feeling extremely ungrounded (as more then one reiki practitioner has mentioned – a super over active crown chakra) and swept away by fantasy while drowning in victim hood. Working on it everyday.
Aries moon square Neptune in capricorn, moon in the 5th, Neptune in the 2nd, I have a stellium in my 2nd. Would really appreciate some help from someone experienced, the day dreaming is really ruining my life. Very hard to explain, HELPPPP!lol. Please
I like your thinking way .lam Libra ( 15 0ctober 1957),and passing rough time since 2014 begins my problems with nerves and muscles .in 2015 l diagnosed with ALS.but l have mild tripe, only walking proplems,walk with 2018 my diagnosed changed in progressive muscular atrophy . But they not sure , l living in hell since 2014.somtimes l want to do suicide .Talk with me please.
l write wrong , sometime when lcoudnt do like cleaning or cooking,l feel very bed,helpless,l dont want to live.l have Neptune in my 6 house , maybe that cause me that negative thinking.please talk with me.
Thank you for your post. I have a sun in Capricorn and a north node and ascendant in Cancer. I have Neptune in my 6th house. I’m new to complex astrology. I feel like I am an achiever driving a car that she cannot prevent from stalling out. Capricorn is so demanding with work and productivity. . .with Neptune in my 6th house my achieving is all over the place. I can’t keep organized or accept regular work hours and am so dreamy for a Capricorn. I finally understand why I am always the most punctual and prepared but also most chaotic, ungrounded, and in some ways unreliable person in the room.
Thanks for this article. I can say this aspect really made my life hard…I’m breaking the illusions and other bad habits with deep meditation. Meditation has saved me…connecting to source does help..but once I come back down I have to start all over again some what anyway. I keep longing ..that’s the feeling I feel in my heart..but I have to go through my shadow to break the unhealthy unattchment..and you know what helps me go in my shadow and come out with light..tarot..that has helped..but I guess I just want to live normal whatever that is..but I think that’s impossible at this point. Any advice? Thanks
Indeed a great artical so far in my knowledge. You have deeply elaborated the unseen aspects of Neptune. Thank you for brightening up our knowledge from known to unknown.
Thanks for recommendations