
New Moon in Scorpio: Rebirth

New Moon in Scorpio: Rebirth

Happy Scorpio New Moon! We turn to life’s deeper emotions. Over the coming four weeks we’ll be exploring themes of trust, intimacy, sexuality, power, vulnerability, jealousy, and obsession as well as death and rebirth.

Full Moon in Aries: Clean Up

Full Moon in Aries: Clean Up

Happy Aries Full Moon! This is the time in the astrological calendar when the spotlight is on courage, taking action, and individuality. As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries connects us with the energy of renewal and new beginnings.

New Moon in Leo: Wildfire

New Moon in Leo: Wildfire

Happy Leo New Moon! Happy solar eclipse! This is a time in the lunar calendar when we turn our attention to themes of identity, self expression, creativity, and passion. New moons are new beginnings and this one will set us on a path for the coming six months.

New Moon in Leo: Ignite

New Moon in Leo: Ignite

Happy Leo New Moon! This is the time in the zodiac calendar when we connect with the energy of joy, passion, creation, and the pleasure of being ourselves. It’s all about how we express our individuality and allow ourselves to radiate.

New Moon in Cancer: Nourish

New Moon in Cancer: Nourish

Happy Cancer New Moon! This is the time when we turn our attention to the things that give support — home, family, roots, and emotional connection. New moons are new beginnings and this one will be inviting us to find emotional connection.

New Moon in Gemini: Words

New Moon in Gemini: Words

Happy Gemini New Moon! This is the time in the astrological calendar when turn our attention to all things Gemini, creating new beginnings in communication, language, ideas, education, and travel. As the sign of the twins, Gemini teaches us about duality and the polarity of choice.