Astro Daily

Astro Daily: August 18, 2023

Astro Daily: August 18, 2023

Another Virgo Moon day. With Mercury beginning to slow down in preparation of a retrograde that begins next week, it’s a day to analyze and assess. What do we value? What’s important? The coming weeks will make us put things in order.

Astro Daily: August 17, 2023

Astro Daily: August 17, 2023

Fresh off yesterday’s Leo New Moon, with its powerful square to Uranus, we may feel like the status quo has shaken up, or we’re inspired to make bold changes. Now that the Moon is in Virgo, we have to find solid ground and a plan to move forward.

Astro Daily: August 15, 2023

Astro Daily: August 15, 2023

The Leo Sun makes a dynamic square to Uranus, a planet whose job is to get us to transform. It’s a point of friction that brings itself into tomorrow’s Leo New Moon, opening up a new month full of reinvention, pivot points, redefinitions, and even the unexpected. That’s the thing […]

Astro Daily: August 14, 2023

Astro Daily: August 14, 2023

We start the week off in the dark of the moon, that liminal space at the end of the lunar month that transitions us from one chapter to the next. If we need to rest, rest. If we need to take it slower, then take it slower. Look for answers in the in between.

Astro Daily: August 11, 2023

Astro Daily: August 11, 2023

We’re not only rounding out the week, we’re beginning to wind down the lunar month. This weekend, the Moon’s in Cancer and we enter the dark of the moon. Time to retreat, rest, reflect, and take stock of the past, reaching into dreams and the unconscious.

Astro Daily: August 10, 2023

Astro Daily: August 10, 2023

Another Gemini Moon day. With Mercury still getting support from Jupiter in Taurus, it’s a day to explore, travel, and discover new horizons. Then again, with Mercury in Virgo, there’s a seriousness in the air that pushes us to reflect and reevaluate.

Astro Daily: August 9, 2023

Astro Daily: August 9, 2023

The Moon moves into Gemini and we feel the grounded support of Mercury in Virgo and Jupiter in Taurus. As we round out the lunar month, we may find ourselves planning for the future. Be open to new potentials. Also, spend time with friends and community.

Astro Daily: August 8, 2023

Astro Daily: August 8, 2023

Another Taurus Moon day, one that picks up on tomorrow’s electrifying square between Venus in Leo and Uranus in Taurus. Be open to flashes of awareness, a sign of new directions and perspectives. We may need to revisit something from the past.

Astro Daily: August 7, 2023

Astro Daily: August 7, 2023

We start the week off with a Moon in Taurus, one that brings Venus Retrograde into focus. It’s a time to evaluate what’s important, what’s going to create stability in our lives, but, more importantly, what’s going to bring our lives joy and pleasure.

Astro Daily: August 4, 2023

Astro Daily: August 4, 2023

A soul-searching Pisces Moon rounds out the day before kicking the weekend off with Aries. With Mars still trine Jupiter, we may have the spark and drive to seek and explore the world or the spark to go big, picking up on the enthusiasm of Leo Season.