Astro Daily

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: November 19, 2015

We may be caught in a haze of Neptune and pondering the meaning of life, but let’s look to Venus in Libra. The planet of value, relationships, and diplomacy will make a couple of bumpy aspects to Pluto and Uranus over the coming days. First up is tomorrow’s square between […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: November 18, 2015

Ever since Saturn went into Sagittarius back in September and Jupiter in Virgo in August, both picking up on the energy of Neptune in Pisces, we’ve been working through themes of faith, meaning, spirituality, purpose, and service. There’s a lot of tension in the sky between the invisible and the […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: November 17, 2015

Yesterday I spoke about Neptune and how we’re feeling its effects this week as it prepares to turn direct on Wednesday, November 18. Neptune blurs the lines of reality. It purifies like a slow moving tide. It reminds us to reconnect to Spirit and rediscover unity, compassion, and forgiveness. If […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: November 16, 2015

There are points in the year when planets “station.” That is to say that they appear to come to a stop and move backward in their orbit. It’s an optical illusion from the perspective of earth — planets don’t really move backward. Nevertheless, these station points are powerful pivots; the […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: November 13, 2015

I know I promised to talk about the North Node’s arrival in Virgo, and I will today, but let’s get another big astro event out of the way — Mars in Libra. Mars spends about six weeks in each sign and if you want to know what will be heating […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: November 12, 2015

A colleague of mine, who is a fellow Scorpio, revealed to me this morning that she felt a huge need to purge out her closets yesterday. Could it be the Scorpio New Moon we had yesterday? Ding ding ding. Scorpio is the sign of elimination. Mars, teetering on the edge […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: November 10, 2015

There’s something so final about the sign of Scorpio. Even though its a water sign — water is in correspondence with emotions — there’s a deep internal fire to it that consumes, transmutes, and opens up new space. I often say to my clients with a strong Scorpio in their […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: November 9, 2015

Happy Monday! Yesterday Venus, the planet of relationships, beauty, and value, arrived in Libra. When Venus is in Libra, she’s right at home. Over the next month we’ll enjoy Venus’s sweetness, charm, and beauty. All of us have Venus somewhere in our chart. Its placement shows one of our blueprints […]

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Astro Daily: November 6, 2015

On top of this witchy pairing of Scorpio and Virgo we’re feeling today (see yesterday’s update for more info), Mercury and Neptune will make a trine. If Mercury is left brain analytical thinking, then its connection to Neptune, the great dissolver of boundaries, will make for a psychedelic wave of […]

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Astro Daily: November 5, 2015

We’re surfing a strong Scorpio/Virgo vibe today, two signs that make for a rather witchy pairing. Virgo is the healer. It’s earth and craft. Scorpio is magic, an ability to transform one thing into another. In fact, the Sun is getting closer to the midpoint of Scorpio (15 degrees), a […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: November 4, 2015

We’re wapping up a Moon in Leo day and things are a little quiet in the interim. When the Moon is in Leo, we need self expression, creativity, fun, and joy. Thinking of the Moon like an antenna. Right now it’s broadcasting from Radio Leo. While Leo is generally a […]

Daily updates, five days a week, both here and Facebook.

Astro Daily: November 3, 2015

Ever since Jupiter arrived in Virgo in August, we’ve entered a time when faith and growth will come through acts of service and organization. (My joke is that Jupiter in Virgo is like waking up on Christmas to find that all the presents came from the office supply store. Badum […]