Astro Daily

Photo by Kseniia Shikhova on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 25, 2020

We start the week off with a Moon in Cancer, a nostalgic moon that pulls us towards the past to spend time at home, cook old family recipes, or to gather the things we need to feel safe and secure. With our world shaking, what are we reaching for comfort?

Photo by Artistiq Dude on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 21, 2020

It’s the dark of the moon. The veil between worlds is at its thinnest, the lunar light growing more faint. It’s a day to reflect and to search within, looking back to the life we’ve lived since the new moon on April 22. Tomorrow we begin a new lunar month.

Photo by Tj Holowaychuk on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 20, 2020

Welcome to Gemini Season. The Sun arrives in the third sign of the zodiac today, kicking off four weeks of movement and exploration, curiosity, and learning. As the sign of the twins, Gemini reveals the myriad of life’s choices.

Photo by Jônatas Tinoco on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 19, 2020

We’re in transition today as we wrap up Taurus Season and prepare to move into Gemini come tomorrow. Last day to nourish our connection to the earth. Spend some time outside if you can. Enjoy the slowness. Cook a nice meal. Gather necessities.

Photo by Anthony Ievlev on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 18, 2020

We’re rounding out Taurus Season as we begin the week, a season that slowed us down and helped us connect with the material world — food, money, our bodies — and the security that comes with knowing that we have everything that we need.

Photo by Kate Stone Matheson on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 15, 2020

The Sun, rounding out its time in Taurus, makes a trine to Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn. It’s a day to focus on wealth and resources, assets and power. We have the drive to build more security and stability. As you go into the weekend, tend to your material life.

Photo by Sebastian Dumitru on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 14, 2020

Jupiter turns retrograde in Capricorn, marking the last in a series of three retrogrades that began this week. Retrogrades are a time of reflection and integration instead of action. For Jupiter, it’s time for us to rework our faith as well as what we believe in.

Photo by Victoria Strukovskaya on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 13, 2020

Venus turns retrograde. Over the next forty days, we’re taking a second look at relationships, from how we connect and interact to reviewing and revisiting old patterns. Money and worth are highlighted, too. We need reevaluate our material lives.

Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 12, 2020

Our busy week continues. Fresh off of Saturn in Aquarius’s retrograde turn, we may still be weighing serious choices as well as creating and building towards the future. Mars is also at the end of Aquarius and we need to tend to a friendship or connection.

Photo by Ave Calvar on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 11, 2020

We start the week off with a serious and focused Moon in Capricorn. It’s all about our ambitions, responsibilities, and looking towards the greater picture. With Saturn turning retrograde today, we have a check in with the direction we’re taking our life in.