Author: Katie Sweetman

Shadow Talk is part of a regular feature of the Empowering Astrology podcast.

Podcast: Change in Lunar Nodes & Saturn in Scorpio

In my latest podcast feature, Shadow Talk, I’m joined again by astrologer and fellow Scorpio, Sherene Schostak. For the last eighteen months our collective destiny has been the Scorpio North Node. This has made for tough lessons, especially with Saturn also in Scorpio. Now that the Nodes are in Libra/Aries, […]

Come vacation in a 19th Century estate overlooking Ocho Rios, Jamaica.

April Astrology Retreat in Ocho Rios, Jamaica

Endless winter getting you down? Need a last minute tropical retreat? Come vacation with two world class astrologers, Sherene Schostak and Katie Sweetman, in a private 19th Century estate in the hills overlooking Ocho Rios, Jamaica from April 3-8, 2014. Cost for room and board is $800 in addition to […]

Data for chart above is 3/1/2014, 2:59 am EST, New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Pisces: The Liminal Space

Happy New Moon in Pisces! As the final sign in the zodiac, this is also the last new moon of the astrological year. True, new moons bring new beginnings, but it comes with a sense of transition as Pisces slides us away from the physical world and into the liminal […]

Data for chart above is 2/14/2014, 6:53 pm EST, New York, NY. Chart by

Full Moon in Leo: Commitment

Happy Full Moon in Leo! Happy Valentine’s Day! This is the time of the year when we shine a light on creativity, art, romance, childlike joy, play, identity, and bold risks. The full moon is exact February 14, 2014 at 6:53 pm EST, 26 degrees of Leo/Aquarius. This is also a peak […]

Photo by Aaron Barnaby. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Self Care for Empaths

In the spirit of Mercury Retrograde, I’m returning to an article idea, Self Care for Empaths, I’ve literally had for years. Not sure why it’s taken me four years to write — probably because there’s a fair bit of confession in this — but no time like the present as […]

The planet Mercury turns retrograde three times a year.

Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide

Here we go again; time for another edition of Mercury Retrograde! What is that feeling? Oh, déjà vu. Why? Because Mercury will retrace its steps for the next three weeks. Prepare to review, revise, and other “re” words.

Be your best self in 2014.

Self Development and Ritual for February 2014

Happy February! Continuing my partnership with Bevin Branlandingham of Queer Fat Femme, we present our latest installment in our ongoing blend of astrology and self development exercises for free. In this worksheet PDF, Bevin and I explain how to utilize Mercury Retrograde, the Leo Full Moon, and even open up […]

Data for chart above is 1/30/2014, 4:39 pm EST, New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Aquarius: Forging Your Own Path

Happy New Moon in Aquarius! The time in the lunar calendar when we plant our intentions in support of humanitarian aims, group connections, friendship, intellect, technology, science, and the future. Aquarius is the sign of the genius, the visionary, and the oddball that forges his or her own path. Aquarius […]

Data for chart above is 1/15/2014, 11:52 pm EST, New York, NY. Chart by

Full Moon in Cancer: The Primal Scream

Happy Full Moon in Cancer! This is the time of the year when we release our intentions for nurturing, care, emotional connection, family, the mother, and home. The full moon is exact January 15, 2014 at 11:52 pm EST, 25 degrees Cancer/Capricorn. It also threads back to two other moments […]

Be your best self in 2014.

The Moon and Self Development

My friend Bevin Branlandingham of Queer Fat Femme and I are teaming up this year to create a month-by-month series of astro forecasts / journaling exercises. Part One of January 2014 has already been released, but it’s not too late to utilize Part Two, which touches on the January 15th hyper-sensitive […]

Photo by Yasemin Kaymak. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

The Cardinal Grand Cross of 2014

Let’s talk about 2014. With the difficult astrology in the works for the first half of the year, I wanted to take a moment to break things down — not to make you anxious or fearful, but so that we’re all on the same page and, more importantly, that we […]

Oh hey, just recording a video. Never mind the silly face and hat.

Video: 2014 Preview

Yes, that would be me making the stupid face in the still for my YouTube video. And it’s my very first video for Empowering Astrology. Hope you like it! I got extra fancy for the Venus station. Highlights include: Why was 2013 so difficult? Understanding 2014 as part of a bigger […]