Author: Katie Sweetman

Full Moon in Virgo: Get Messy

Full Moon in Virgo: Get Messy

Happy Virgo Full Moon! This is the time of the lunar calendar when we make decisions in support of health, wellness, organization, service, and getting our lives together. Virgo is the unsung hero of the zodiac, making sure everything gets done. And, let’s be honest, we could all use a […]

Photo by Tracy Thomas. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

The Astrology of 2016

I had the pleasure to be a guest on Evolving Soul with psychic mediums Melissa Cubillas and Anthony Mrocka. In our chat I open up about my philosophy around astrology and free will. How much say do we have with the natal chart and transits? How can we bring more […]

Photo by 贝莉儿 NG. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 19, 2016

Happy birthday, magical, alluring Pisces! You’re the last sign of the zodiac, the space where humanity feels the cosmic call to return home, back to Source. You are the healing waters of the divine, compassion, redemption and universality. As a sign you feel so deeply because you feel the pain […]

Photo by Jamie MacPherson. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 18, 2016

We’re in the last day of Aquarius season, a time in the zodiac calendar that has pointed the way toward themes of belonging, community, and friends as well as the future and the things in life much bigger than the self. With Saturn in Sagittarius, the last couple of months […]

Photo by Lukas Neasi. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 17, 2016

Hey guys. We’re in a week of cosmic gear shifts. Our girl Venus jumped into Aquarius yesterday and the Sun will arrive in Pisces on Friday. Plus, today the Moon will leave Gemini for Cancer. Things are in flux as a result. We’re checking out new territory as well as […]

Photo by Annie Spratt. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 16, 2016

This evening Venus will arrive in Aquarius, the sign of humanism, the collective, intellect, groups, and community. Venus in Aquarius is very egalitarian. She sets her own style. She’s a bit funky, futuristic, eccentric, and a trendsetter. She doesn’t play by the normal rules. But Venus is much more than […]

Photo by Annie Spratt. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 15, 2016

Happy Monday! Gemini Moon picking up aspects to Neptune and Saturn today. Normally Gemini likes to keep it light and buzz around, but the presence of Neptune and Saturn draws in deeper existential and spiritual themes. If Gemini is the sign of choice, then Saturn will have us examine our […]

Photo by Manu Schwendener. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

February 2016 Horoscopes

February is Aquarius season, a time when we look ahead toward the future and think about the bigger picture. Where are we going? What are our goals? What are our hopes and dreams for a better life? There’s a deep humanitarian streak in Aquarius, a sign that shines the light […]

Photo by Annie Spratt. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 12, 2016

Happy Friday! Come tomorrow, Mercury will finally get back into Aquarius, the sign that it turned retrograde in back on January 5. This means that we’ll officially be out of the shadow phase and moving into new territory. While Mercury was retrograde in Capricorn, we took a tough look at […]

Photo by Federico Beccari. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 11, 2016

Yesterday’s Pisces overload gives way to today’s powerful Aries Moon. With Mars over in Scorpio, there’s a strong current running through the air. Think action, investigation, discovery, intimacy, and hard truths. This will build into Saturday when the Moon makes contact with Uranus and Pluto. Use this energy to spark […]

Photo by Noah Rosenfield. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: February 10, 2016

Dreamy Pisces Moon day. Everything’s a little hazy, a little soft focused. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, the sign that brings us to the end of your worldly journey and dissolves us back toward Source. The Moon spends about two or so days in each sign and […]