We go into the weekend with an Aquarius Moon, ensuring that our Friday as well as our Saturday is busy with appointments, dates with friends, and travel. Paired with the Gemini Sun, it’s all about element Air — movement, connection, communication.

Aquarius is a sign that’s all about big ideas. It gives us vision, the sort of vision that helps us see above things, connect the dots, and have those lightbulb moments. Since the Air element is strong in the sky right now, be open to flashes of insight as well as new directions. If you have something to say, say it.

The mood shifts on Sunday as the Moon moves into Pisces. As a result, we may be thinking about our future and figuring out what we need to do to build towards that future. In order to build anything, we need to have a solid foundation. So, this Sunday, turn your attention to home, family, and roots. Tend to your nest. Gather with close loved ones. Or even make changes in the home.

Additionally, if you’re on Instagram, I’m doing my first Instagram Live on Tuesday, May 28 at 6 pm New York time. (That’s 3 pm Los Angeles, 10 pm London, and 8 am Sydney on 5/29.) In it, I’m doing short free readings as well as giving a quick update on the astrology of June. If you want a free reading, I’m randomly selecting a few individuals from the hat, so to speak. Just email empoweringastrology@gmail.com with your full, exact birth information with your name. Follow my Instagram account at @empoweringastro.

The Instagram Live video will only be available for 24 hours after the broadcast, so if you can’t make it live, you can still watch the replay.

Read More:

The Lunar Nodes: Finding Your Soul’s True North

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Photo by Mikail McVerry on Unsplash