Change is a part of life and today’s Mars square Pluto creates an alchemy of transformation, an energy that forges us into something new. In order to move forward, we need to take a deep look at ourselves.

What’s worth noting is that both Mars and Pluto are in the fixed signs of Taurus and Aquarius.

What are fixed signs? They are the four signs of the zodiac that govern over our material plane. There’s a tangibility to them. Taurus is the earth beneath our feet, what we invest in and what we need in order to create a stable life. Aquarius is the systems that shape our lives. It’s the groups and communities we belong to. It’s our sense of belonging to the whole.

Pluto is an evolutionary planet, which is to say that this energy is trying to evolve and transform our material lives and our place in the whole. Strong emotions may come up. Something hidden may come to light. There’s a pressure to remake and reshape ourselves.

As an aside, this is the first time Mars in Taurus has made a square to Pluto in Aquarius since May 1795.

Just a reminder, no show this week. I’m in the middle of a move as well as a trip out of town. I’ll see you all next week.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for June 12, 2024.

Read More:

Mars in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Pluto in Aquarius: Sign by Sign

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