The Moon rounds out its time in Cancer, giving us time to reflect and go within. We’re not only a couple days out from a new moon, but a couple of days from a solar eclipse, one that will give us yet another reset. Yet again, we’re on the threshold of change.

As I was saying to a client, whom had recently experienced a personal crisis, we’re in eclipse season. Every six months we enter a vortex of change when life tends to take a turn in a new direction. Emotions run high and tempers flare, too, so don’t be surprised if you’ve had an interpersonal conflict in the last few weeks. But eclipse also show us the way towards our destiny. They lead us to the people and places and experiences that mark our time here on earth.

The eclipse on August 11 is about identity and having the courage to be ourselves. It’s also about the joy of living and using this joy to create what we want while confronting everything within — our fear, our shame, our addictions, our self sabotage — that’s keeping us from being ourselves. Keep this in mind as we go into the weekend.

In the meantime, use the Cancer Moon to nurture and feed yourself. Tend to your emotional body, especially as we get ready for the last in a series of three eclipses. Also, with Venus squaring Saturn, you may want to take a critical eye to your relationships, both romantic and otherwise. What’s working? What’s not? Define what you want as well as the boundaries you need.

Read More:

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Uranus in Taurus: Earthquake

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Photo by Emma Paillex on Unsplash